Trump Hating Pop Star Apologizes For Using Racial Slur

Billie Eilish at 2019 Pukkelpop Music Festival which take place in Kiewit, Hasselt, Belgium via Wikimedia Commons

“Bad Guy” singer Billie Eilish denies being racist against Asians after a video surfaced of her using an offensive term and mocking Asian accents on two separate occasions.

Last week a TikTok user posted a compilation video of a younger Eilish singing along with Tyler the Creator’s song “Fish,” and mouthing the derogatory term. In a second clip in the video, she can be seen speaking in an accent that derides Asian culture. 

On Monday, she addressed the allegations against her in a lengthy denial on Instagram. “I love you guys, and many of you have been asking me to address this. And this is something I WANT to address because I’m being labeled something that I am not,” Eilish wrote.

The liberal singer denied knowledge that the term she sang in the video was a slur. “There’s a video edit going around of me when I was 13 or 14 where I mouthed a word from a song that at the time I didn’t know was a derogatory term used against members of the Asian community,” she continued. “I am appalled and embarrassed and want to barf that I ever mouthed along to that word.”

“This song is the only time I’d ever heard that word as it was never used around me by anyone in my family,” went on. “Regardless of the ignorance and age at the time, nothing excuses the fact that it was hurtful. And for that I am sorry.” 

She also addressed the second clip, again denying allegations of racism. “The other video in that edited clip is me speaking in a silly gibberish made up voice… something I started doing as a kid and have done my whole life when talking to my pets, friends, and family,” Eilish dismissed. “It is absolutely gibberish and just me goofing around, and is in NO way imitation of anyone or any language, accent, or culture in the SLIGHTEST.”

The singer claimed that she is prone to “goofing around” with voices, but “regardless of how it was interpreted I did not mean for any of my actions to have caused hurt to others and it absolutely breaks my heart that it is being labeled now in a way that might cause pain to people hearing it.”

In 2020, Eilish claimed former President Donald Trump was “destroying our country and everything we care about,” in an impassioned plea to get viewers to vote for Biden during the third night of the Democratic National Convention. Ironically, she claimed that the country needed a leader that “will fight against systemic racism.”

Watch the video here:

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Mike W
Mike W
3 years ago

Billie WHO??

3 years ago

Billie what? Must be an extremely important person….to someone….not me.

3 years ago
Reply to  BrewDubbs


Wharf Rat
Wharf Rat
3 years ago

Who cares.

3 years ago

A racist guy caught with pants down denies…what’s new!!

3 years ago
Reply to  Maria

That person may be as ugly as hammered snake s**t, but that’s a “she”, not a “he”….

3 years ago

Yeah… exactly what i thought… Billie who?

But my question is this… how come a lib/dem can just apologize for whatever they did/said/tweeted… but if you’re remotely attached to DJT/GOP/Conservative/Christian… you must resign/give away all your money/quit your job/hide for the rest of your life…
please Tell me …

Original Anna
Original Anna
3 years ago

Okay, Bad Guy Billie, is this a girl or guy. You can’t tell from the picture. If it’s a girl why is she called Bad Guy and if it’s a guy why is the article using she. Obviously I have no idea what this person is or is saying but than she/he voted for biden, so there you go.

3 years ago

All leftists are racist, this young lady is no exception. If you THINK before you SPEAK, you will never have to apologize.

3 years ago
Reply to  Scotty

Even if you don’t, DO NOT APOLOGIZE. You look incredibly weak, and those of the “cancel culture” are not looking for your apology they are looking for your groveling.

3 years ago

STFU you hypocritic!!!!

Alex Robinson
3 years ago

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Robin Walter Boyd
Robin Walter Boyd
3 years ago

Absolutely anyone can mess up by using derogatory terms now and then. We just are not perfect people; none of us. So how about we stop nitpicking every time someone uses a derogatory term when there is no intent to do harm? We simply should not have to be afraid to express ourselves freely, even when we are being asses.

3 years ago

And who cares?