City Council Meeting Erupts Into Chaos As Oakland Residents Loudly Object To Condemning Hamas

Residents of Oakland, California, loudly objected to proposed amendments during a city council meeting Monday that would have condemned Hamas.

The Oakland City Council passed a resolution unanimously Monday night calling for a ceasefire and humanitarian aid, The Associated Press reported. Israel agreed to extend the cease-fire with the radical Islamic terrorist group by two days after multiple groups of hostages were released since Friday.

“There have not been beheadings of babies and rapings,” one resident said during the meeting in a video clip posted to X by Huffington Post writer Yashar Ali. “Israel murdered their own people on October 7th!”

Amendments to condemn Hamas for taking hostages during the deadly Oct. 7 terrorist attack on multiple locations in southern Israel that killed over 1,400 people were defeated by 6-2 votes, according to the AP.

“The notion that this was a massacre of Jews is a fabricated narrative,” another resident said. “Many of those killed on October 7th, including children, were killed by the IDF [Israeli Defense Forces].”



“Calling Hamas a terrorist organization is ridiculous, racist and plays into genocidal propaganda that is flooding our media and that we should be doing everything possible to combat,” another resident claimed.

“I support the right of Palestinians to resist occupation, including through Hamas, the armed wing of the unified Palestinian resistance,” a third resident said.

Another resident said that asking for condemnation of the radical Islamic terrorist group was “very anti-Arab racist.”

Democratic Rep. Rashida Tlaib of Michigan and other left-wing members of the House of Representatives known as “The Squad” released statements calling for a ceasefire almost immediately after Israel began its response to the Oct. 7 terrorist attacks by Hamas.

“If there was a city council meeting at which rightwingers said anything remotely as evil, stupid, wrong, and indefensible as this every single major media outlet would run it constantly and every Republican politician would be asked to condemn it,” Jonah Goldberg posted on X.  “Even if you think I’m wrong, most conservatives agree will agree with me in whole or in part. Refusal to condemn this sort of garbage is a poison pill for the center left.”

Harold Hutchison on November 28, 2023

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