Comedian: Hillary Lost Because She ‘Blew It’

Comedian Bill Burr said the reason Hillary Clinton lost the election is because she “blew it” plain and simple.

On Monday night, the 48-year-old comedian appeared on the late-night talk show “Conan” and he didn’t beat around the bush when said he is tired of people “making excuses for her [Clinton]” about why she lost to Donald Trump.

“I get sick of people making excuses for her, she blew it,” Burr said. “Look you lost to a guy who said three things a week that would torpedo anybody else’s campaign. How do you do that?”

“That’s like you’re playing a football game and the other team throws 20 interceptions and you still figure out how to blow it,” he added. “At what point do you take responsibility? They try to say…’oh it was… a bunch of racists white guys that came out of the forest, that were just going ‘Trump, Trump, Trump.’”

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