DOD Spokeswoman Insists Biden Admin Is ‘Deterring’ Iran-Backed Militias Despite Wave Of Recent Attacks

A Department of Defense spokesperson claimed that the United States was deterring attacks by Iranian-backed militias Tuesday, even as the total has climbed.

A Lockheed AC-130 airborne gunship carried out a strike against enemy militants Monday after members of an Iranian-backed militia group launched a ballistic missile at a U.S. military base. There have been 66 attacks on American bases in Iraq or Syria since Oct. 17.

“Why aren’t these U.S. counter strikes working as a deterrent strategy?” a reporter asked deputy press secretary Sabrina Singh.


“I know 66 is a high number. But again, we have days sometimes where we don’t have attacks,” Singh responded. “So, would you say the strategy is not working if one day goes by with no attack on U.S. forces? I’m not saying that’s the way to caveat it, but what I am saying is that we don’t want to see this conflict widen out.”

The Biden administration designated Kata’ib Sayyid al-Shuhada (KSS), a group it says has coordinated attacks on U.S. bases. as a foreign terrorist organization Friday.

“We will respond when we feel at the time and place of our choosing that we need to respond,” Singh added. “We have three times already. We did again last night. I wouldn’t say that again, it’s not working, I would say that we are being very deliberate in our strikes and what we target.”

The United States launched three previous strikes in response to attacks by Iranian-backed militias.

“It’s important to remember that we are sending a message and that that message has been received,” Singh said Nov. 9.

Iranian-backed militias launched four attacks after one strike on Nov. 8 in response to previous rocket and drone attack, prompting another U.S. air strike Nov. 12.

Harold Hutchison on November 21, 2023

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