Feminists Protest Marilyn Monroe Statue As ‘Misogynistic’

20th Century Fox, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

Feminist groups have been demonstrating against the installation of a 26-foot-tall Marilyn Monroe statue, which they refer to as a “misogynistic eyesore” they want removed from downtown Palm Springs, California.

The “Forever Marilyn” statue depicts the late actress trying to prevent her skirt from flying up in her iconic pose, but protesters claim the 34,000-pound sculpture might “have been acceptable in the 1950s, but we are in 2021 fighting the same thing and women are saying enough is enough.”

“The statue is designed to look at her crotch and look at her buttocks and take photos. And that is no longer acceptable,” remarked Emiliana Guereca, executive director of the Women’s March Foundation. “There’s also a Me Too culture going on, we are demanding respect for women and public spaces.”

The installation was purchased by a Palm Springs city organization for $1 million to promote tourism in the area after it was credited for boosting business revenue during its 2012-2014 run in a different area of the city.  

“This is a great free attraction, and I think it will be great for our businesses, and it’s great to have free attractions for our residents,” said Councilman Geoff Kors. “She’s been a great free attraction before, and she will be again.”

But protesters describe the statue as a display of “casual misogyny,” and claim that ”We would never celebrate a powerful man [with a] 26-foot tall sculpture with his pants pulled down.”

A lawsuit has been filed to dispute the sculpture’s placement, calling it an eyesore that impedes traffic flow and blocks the view of the local art museum. They want it relocated to a nearby park.

So far, the installment seems to be serving its intended purpose, making headlines and drawing crowds, even if they are shouting “Hey hey! Ho-ho! Misogyny has got to go!”

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Pissed Off American
Pissed Off American
3 years ago

Feminists, do you use toilet paper or do you not touch or look at yourself? I wouldn’t want to hurt your feeling by telling you to look in your pants. At least she has panties on and I don’t see any big deal about it. It’s different but not insulting to me. GET A LIFE and GROW UP. Do you women ever agree with ANYTHING or does EVERYTHING trigger you clowns? I’m curious of what you do besides looking for stuff to get triggered about as that seems to be a full time job. Just deal with your corner of the world and leave the rest of us alone.

3 years ago

Well said!! Some people just need to be whining and PO’d about something!

Get a life and worry who YOU might be offending by breathing the same air as someone with a modicum of sense…..

Purple heart
Purple heart
3 years ago

Most of these feminist weight 3 times what Marilyn weighted. All they have to do to get attention is raise hell. No one wants to see one of those heftier in panties or any attire.

erik vestville
3 years ago
Reply to  Purple heart

They could easily crash the economy (their goal) by cutting down on their food intake.

3 years ago

While it is rather gaudy, she looks better than most of the feminists I’ve seen.

3 years ago

Sounds like jealous women and sour grapes.

3 years ago

You and your “me too” feminism groups insulted me with your vagina hats. Don’t look if you don’t like it.

Robin Walter Boyd
Robin Walter Boyd
3 years ago

It’s a pose from a famous scene Monroe did. It’s like Michael Jackson grabbing his crotch or Elvis swinging his hips. These hateful people need to just lighten the hell up.

3 years ago

Feminists ladies, if you don’t want to look physically attractive, get some sack cloth and make a muumuu. Throw out the thousands spent on “make-up” and be happy. Life is short, learn to enjoy it.

3 years ago

Geez…she’s wearing granny panties. Get over it.

3 years ago

Palm Springs has large gay population. One can understand why they hate a sexy statue of a sexy woman.