Joe Rogan Blasts Coronavirus Lockdowns in New York and L.A.

Wikimedia Commons, by Rebecca Lai of Glasgow, Sweden

Podcast superstar Joe Rogan blasted the draconian coronavirus restrictions which he is now claiming ‘F**ked up’ places like New York City and Los Angeles.

As The Daily Wire reports:

Podcast host Joe Rogan joined the chorus of those lamenting the death of New York City and parts of Los Angeles due to the COVID-19 lockdowns that crippled businesses and quality of life beyond repair.

During an episode of “The Joe Rogan Experience” last Friday, Rogan lamented about the people fleeing New York City and others in droves, likening them to a “sinking ship.”

“[Cities] can be irreversibly f**ked, like I think some of our cities are right now. I think there’s some there’s some sections in LA, I don’t know how the f**k they’re gonna bounce back. You drive down the street and you see everything boarded up. You go, ‘How does this come back? How long does it take?” Rogan said. “A lot of people are moving out. People are moving out. You get the sense like it’s an abandoned ship, like it’s a sinking ship. And then people don’t want to invest money in it. They don’t know what to do. They’re not sure if they should stay. They start looking at other states where things are open, ‘Maybe we should just move. Maybe we should forget about this business and start fresh in Florida or move to Texas or whatever.’”

With businesses having closed at massive rates throughout the pandemic in many big blue cities and crime on the rise it is an open question as to how exactly these cities will come back, if they ever do.

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3 years ago

It will be a very long time for these Demturd cities to come back. Maybe after O’bidens term is up! If there is an America left by than. These ppl that are moving to RED states better keep it that way is all I can say. We have worked very hard to keep them that way…

Thomas Bodine
Thomas Bodine
3 years ago

I don’t care because the idiots bring it on themselves=Liberal Ideology

3 years ago

Well don’t think you are going to places that have common sense and freedoms to screw up like ya’ll did the places that you are leaving!! Just stay where you are…you voted for the people that have screwed everything up!


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