Fox Forced to Cancel Broadcast Of Radical Anti-Semite Louis Farrakhan After Backlash

Wikimedia Commons, By John Mathew Smith

Fox Soul has now been forced to cancel a Fourth of July Program that was set to feature notorious anti-Semite and Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan after receiving massive backlash on Social Media.

As The Daily Wire reports:

Fox Soul, Fox TV’s streaming service targeted to black viewers, has canceled a Fourth of July program that was set to feature Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan.

The new network had planned to air a “Message to America” from Nation of Islam leader Farrakhan, who has been widely criticized for anti-Semitic and racist statements. Farrakhan was scheduled to deliver his remarks — dubbed “The Criterion: An Announcement to the World” — at 11 a.m. EDT on America’s birthday.

Among other widely reported comments, Farrakhan compared Jews to termites and defended the use of the phrase “death to America” on a visit to Iran in 2018.

Former New York State Assemblyman Dov Hikind, a Democrat and founder of Americans Against Antisemitism, called on Fox Soul to cancel the program.

‘Fox Soul’ was launched in January and was targeted specifically to draw African American viewers.

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3 years ago

They should not have had to cancel in the first place. What has gone wrong at Fox? Louis Farrakhan is not only anti Semite, he is anti American. He and the so called founders of BLM need to get out of the US and take their rhetoric with them.

ahem tonto
ahem tonto
3 years ago
Reply to  Roy

Oh you can be anti-Semite, anti-Christian,anti-white, anti-free speech, anti-second and fourth amendments, anti-rule of law, rioter, looter, murderer or drug dealer, or even a sex trafficker, but you cannot be anti-BLM, anti-ANTIFA, anti-Muslim or anti-socialist Democrat! Yes, it is here!

3 years ago

When the only comments allowed are the ones who agree with this article it is not much of a site to close out others

3 years ago
Reply to  Robert

Robert ,
Are YOU kidding me ! I am presuming that YOU don’t agree that Louis Farrakhan is a racist against Everyone except Radical Muslims, he despises The Jewish people and has said many times they need to be “ exterminated” ! He hates America, he hates White people, they need to be exterminated ! He has the unmitigated Gaul to call HIMSELF A PREACH OR REVEREND ! He is evil and should never be allowed to speak on Any news Media !

3 years ago
Reply to  Uptowngirl

Muslims hate women…is that why Farakhans wife looks like a Tranny?

3 years ago

Farrakhan a Muslim; send him to the Mid-East country of his choice. No place for him here.

3 years ago
Reply to  Chuck

Muslims eat doodoo.

3 years ago

Farrakhan blows weenies.

Dennis Karoleski
Dennis Karoleski
3 years ago

Describing Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan as a “minister” is the same as calling Jeffery Dahmer a chief.

3 years ago


3 years ago

This just makes me distrust Fox Soul

Big Ed
Big Ed
3 years ago

What, in the name of God, made Fox News think it might be a good idea to schedule Louis Farrakhan in the first place? Since Paul Ryan has become a part of the management team at Fox, their decisions have become stranger and stranger. If they continue down their current path, they will end up just like CNN News-just another “fake news” outlet.

butch t
butch t
3 years ago

What the hell is this station for anyway? SOUL FOX !!!!! What next, honkie channel? I was under the thought that is what BET is suppose to be . Oh well, we still have paul ryan hiding in the backroom waiting to pounce, that worthless scumbag who now sits on foxes board, no wonder fox is going to hell in a hand basket.

3 years ago

They should let calypso louie blubber what he wants, and show it all so the straddlers can see what an a$$hat racist the boob is. Why must we hide the truth because he’s a nigro?

3 years ago

WET, WLM try putting those on a network.

War Dog
War Dog
3 years ago


3 years ago

I am starting to wonder what the hell is going on with fox. So you had to cancel after we threw a hissy fit due to content and what this idiot stands for. He should have never been allowed. I am not watching Fox hardly ever. You put all of these left wing idiots In high positions and on the board what hell did you think will happen. Watching a lot more Newmax

3 years ago

Why would they even consider it?

Robert Taylor
Robert Taylor
3 years ago

Now we know why so many black lives are doing the things out in the real world. Anyone who would put that “American Hater” on a national news has lost their marbles.

Floyd Hardee
Floyd Hardee
3 years ago

Is Fox really our ally? Or, are they trying to gather everyone into one nest where they can indoctrinate you to become One World, One Network, Robots, Zombies, brain dead easily led followers? You can not serve everyone and be faithful to God, or us. Either you love God, or you love Satan. Either you serve God or you serve Satan. It looks like they want everyone under one tent, their tent. But who do they serve?

3 years ago

farengoat is anti American and anti Jew.. What was Fox even thinking? someone slap the person who scheduled this across the head to wake them up.. farengoat will meet his fate one day and it will not be pretty.. Jesus Christ will be the Judge and farengoat will bow before HIM!! before the sentence for all of eternity

3 years ago

Why is this POS still alive ?

Tony Winters
Tony Winters
3 years ago

Isn’t it interesting that the people who hate America the most are not willing to pack up their bags and move to these countries that they feel are so much better than America. If islam is so wonderful why doesn’t he move to some pest hole in the middle-east? The reason is very clear; he is making too much money from the Democrats/Leftists/Liberals/Socialists. No one in the middle-east would pay to listen to his BullShit.
The thing that gets me is that Blacks for whatever reason look up to people like him, when he advocates the destruction of their places of worship, be they Catholic, Jew or any other form of Christianity.

3 years ago

While I applaud Dov Hikind’s efforts in getting this scumbag tossed I nonetheless have to wonder why he is a democrat. Or any sane Jewish voter.

3 years ago

I cannot believe they would cancel Louis Farrakhan after a complaint by Dov “Blackface” Hikind! What hypocrisy!

purple olive
purple olive
3 years ago

Why does Louis Farrakhan live in America? He hates America, and you would think he would go back to Africa or anywhere that he might be happier. On the other hand, his only happiness probably comes from demeaning America! Anyway, he must know how much Americans do not like him!

rick reeve
3 years ago
Reply to  purple olive

why did the U S allow him back here after iran he should have stayed there or go to china or north korea with rest of them sick commies but……