Wayward Royal Meghan Markle Slams ‘Voter Suppression’ At Event Hosted By Organization Founded By Michelle Obama

Wikimedia Commons, by Mark Jones, Cropped from Flickr version: https://www.flickr.com/photos/rambomuscles/27537241539

Controversial British royal Meghan Markle made a plea to female voters to exercise their constitutional right to vote in this November’s upcoming Presidential election.

The event for which she was speaking was put on by an organization founded by her ‘good friend’ Michelle Obama.

As The Daily Mail reports:

Meghan Markle made a bold plea to women across the US to take part in the upcoming presidential election, speaking out about the need for ‘change’ at an online voter summit, while telling participants: ‘If we aren’t part of the solution, we are part of the problem.’

The 39-year-old made her stance on the 2020 presidential race incredibly clear when she addressed viewers at the When All Women Vote Couch Party – an online event organized by non-profit organization When We All Vote, which was founded by ‘her friend’ Michelle Obama.

Appearing as the opening speaker at the summit, Meghan expressed her ‘excitement’ at taking part, before telling those involved with the organization: ‘We need [your work] now more than ever.’

‘I’m really thrilled that you asked me to be a part of this,’ the mother-of-one began, adding: ‘I think this is such an exceptional time [and I am] happy to be here for my friend Michelle Obama’s When We All Vote, and to kick off the When All Women Vote Couch Party.’

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4 years ago

A friend of mine grew up in Russia before becoming an American citizen. She told me what it was like. I don’t want to live in a Communist/Socialist country, which is what the Democrats are going to make the US. I keep praying that God intervenes again, and we have Trump for four more years.

4 years ago
Reply to  Patty

What these Communist Dem Party plan is turning this country into communism… of course they will not have to live under those conditions.. just the rest of us…. Like the Dem Mayor of Chicago… Defund police , death, destruction,… but she has her residence police protected because ” she is important” and must make sure she and her family are safe. Unlike yours.

Dr. Hauck
Dr. Hauck
4 years ago
Reply to  srw

Those two aren’t even important enough to get protection in England. They disrespect the queen and his father. They only think in their small minds they are still important. If they have protection then they’re paying for it themselves and no one gives a crap about what they think or say.

Dr. Hauck
Dr. Hauck
4 years ago
Reply to  Patty

Piss off. Stop spamming all these sites.

4 years ago

Does anyone really want to hear from her?

Nine Island Girl
Nine Island Girl
4 years ago
Reply to  mikki


Barbara A Hiatt
Barbara A Hiatt
4 years ago
Reply to  mikki


4 years ago
Reply to  mikki

exactly!!! she couldn’t make it as an actress and is an even bigger failure as a “royal wannabe”. sure hope Harry wakes up soon.

4 years ago
Reply to  debra

You are correct. Harry was an easy prey for this left-wing ex-actress. She of course wooed him by using sex because everyone knows Harry loves sex. Remember the woman found with him in a Las Vegas Hotel a few years ago?

4 years ago

What stretch…calling the opportunist Royal …. she and Me$$$$$hellle go to gether… … greedy and conniving.

4 years ago

Can these so called royal go home please?

4 years ago

Seems like she’ll do anything for a dollar!

Nine Island Girl
Nine Island Girl
4 years ago

No wonder she wanted to come back to the States where she could start being the stupid activist that she is. The crown of England wouldn’t allow it. Hahaha. Just like OBUMMER half white!
You’ve heard, Birds of a feather, you know the thing…..

4 years ago

She is NOT royal!

Ernie Di Francesco
Ernie Di Francesco
4 years ago

Please, will all cheer for Megan, the most useless PO Bovine scat.

4 years ago

Markle is a Ghetto Qua, no a British royal, like all Quas she has to get busy to get her welfare check, BO knows all about receiving the coveted check and the section 8 advanced for housing,

Dr. Hauck
Dr. Hauck
4 years ago

Why would anyone give them the time of day. There only commoners and so-called normal ppl. Not even celebrities.

4 years ago

Another useless no nothing parasite needs to go back and live in Canada couldn’t hack it in England now trying to spread her deceit in America, useless.

Gerald S Ladd
4 years ago

My post won’t show. The I hate free speech police are out on this site.

Barbara Riefner
Barbara Riefner
4 years ago

Megan Markle is disgusting. I personally would give no credence to anything she says or thinks. She doesn’t have a brain in her head. I think she ought to go back to England and let the Queen take care of her. She is as disgusting as Obama and Michele!

4 years ago

Who cares what she thinks???

4 years ago

Meghen should leave our country and go somewhere that she may be wanted. She left here once and she needs to do it again. Only permanently.

Dan the Man
Dan the Man
4 years ago

Meghan Markle is not a British Royal, She married a Royal but that doesn’t make her a Royal. Now that she has her husbanc under her little PINKIE, they left the Great Britain and renounced his status as Prince, he has very little left of Royalty to his name and she has absolutely NONE. I kinda knew something was gonna happen with her entering into the marriage but never dreamed that Harry would do such a drastic move but he has been hoodwinked by his devious wife of 2 years, Meghan…. It mostly started with her company which was not under the control of the Royal Kingdom which is a no-no, so they left the control of the Monarchy to keep control over her own company. It’s a battle over Power and Control it seem because she is NOT Royal and never will be……

4 years ago

Meghan Markle needs to keep her opinions to herself because no one gives a darn what she thinks. I am so tired of these so called “important people” trying to tell me what to think. I am not an important person but I have a brain and I can think for myself and I think the Democrats are living in a world that no one in their right mind wants to live in.

3 years ago

I am beginning to realize that Markle who took some college credits in Political Science has aspirations to get into Politics as a candidate. She showed her true self when she had the Opra interview for big bucks in order to slam the Monarchy that spent multi millions of dollars for her wedding–the two gowns she wore and everything else.. The future King of England even walked her down the aisle since her own Father refused to appear at her wedding. .Prince Charles hosted and paid the cost of the Lavish Reception for the bridal couple. It is almost a given that she planned to have Harry and a life back in L.A. minus the royal trappings. Yet she complained about the Queen when she learned She, Harry and Archie would have no Title or Bodyguards unless his parents paid for those services. Does Markle even know herself what they could do to please her since she seems to disrespect what they have done for her which was HUGE?. I am afraid that it is her personality and the disses at the Royalty will continue. I think that when Harry returned for Prince Phillip’s funeral he may have had a realization that what he enjoyed in the past is now gone and maybe forever. .I believe he was reflecting that he missed his former life.

3 years ago

when are you going to remove this article about the megans the prince and his wife?wyou had it for 2 years and it is borig? are they paying you good money for the publication of this poor couple? power, scandal, low , shameful diggers?


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