Charlamagne Tha God Issues Anti-Semitic Defense of Nick Cannon

Wikimedia Commons, By The Hollywood Social Lounge

Rapper Charlamagne Tha God appeared to use an anti-Semitic excuse in defense of Nick Cannon.

According to The Daily Wire:

“Listen, Nick is my guy,” Charlamagne tha God said. “I hate it had to be him, but that’s what you can do when you have the power. And if there’s one thing Jewish people have showed us, it’s they have the power.”

“I can’t wait until the day black people are able to fire people for saying things about us that we deem racist,” he continued. “We can barely get cops fired for actually killing us. They fired Nick for referencing a theory written by a psychologist on racism.”

Right-wing pundit Candace Owens responded to Charlamagne tha God’s comments by tweeting: “I respect @cthagod, but his comment that Nick Cannon’s firing proves ‘Jews have the power’ is off base. Did the hundreds of white people who have been fired over these past few months for disagreeing with the radical goals of black lives matter prove that we have the power?”

“Thousands of blacks promoted to comply with BLM,” Owens continued. “Thousands of whites fired for disagreeing, and everyone pretended it was cool. ONE black man gets fired and now it’s ‘the Jews have power’? Nope.”

Cannon suggested black we superior based solely on skin color.

[READ NEXT: Nick Cannon Fired Over Anti-Semitism]

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4 years ago

Charliemain da groid gonna bees in my crosshared too, yo?

4 years ago

You can’t fix stupid. A racist is only fixed by a miracle. Hatred is the absence of love. He and a good part of his hatred against whites is shared by his generation. They’ve been taught through liberal educators and media.

4 years ago

Lets get rid of all the non quota quotas and treat everybody on merit and see how many blacks were hired because they were black.

4 years ago

I only serve one God and He’s the one that the left is trying to take, not just out of our schools, but also out of our beloved USA. So, I guess that this will upset charlemagne. (I don’t capitalize any gods name except the real one).

Louie Rey
Louie Rey
4 years ago

Is this the same a-hole that was told by Biden that if you’re not going to vote for me “you ain’t Black”? I didn’t hear what his reply was because he didn’t have one. But, if a Black issues a racist statement on behalf of others Blacks then he comes out of the woodwork. This country is going to hell in a hand basket.

4 years ago

Can you imagine the outrage if a white man suggested that whites are superior because of the color of their skin? But it’s okay if a black man says blacks are superior simply because they are black! Somehow that seems racist to me but….

John J
John J
4 years ago

The ignorance and racism of blacks is sickening

3 years ago

Who the F**K is this moron and who the F**K cares about anything that comes out of this idiots mouth??!!
What has he done that makes him any kind of spokesperson to elicit advice or opinion about anything!?!?

Crawl back where you came from!!!

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