Friday Update: MLB Star Guilty Of Sexual Abuse, Chris Rock Says Cancel Culture Making Comedians ‘Unfunny,’ Ozzy Osbourne Defends Wife Sharon After Scandal, Law & Order: SUV Prevents A Child Kidnapping

By Andy Witchger - Chris Rock - Orpheum Theatre Minneapolis 3/17, CC BY 2.0,

We’re tracking the conservative culture clash with woke Hollywood hypocrites to keep you up to date on who’s winning and who we hate. 

 Here’s what happened today:


MLB Abuser

Former Pittsburgh Pirates all-star Felipe Vazquez was found guilty of 10 counts of sexual assault on a 13-year-old girl, including statutory sexual assault, sexual abuse of children and indecent assault of a minor under 16. 

The now 17-year-old victim testified that she struck up a relationship on social media in 2019, and she sent him a photo of herself in underwear. “Wow look at you,” he said. “Not the little kid I met three years ago anymore,” Vazquez reportedly replied. She said they had sex in his car outside her home prior to a Pirates game, but the ace pitcher maintained he believed she was 17, the legal age of consent.  


Unfunny Culture

Comedian Chris Rock spoke out against cancel culture and how it’s making the entertainment industry “unfunny.” 

“It’s weird when you’re a comedian because like, when you’re a comedian, when the audience doesn’t laugh, we get the message. You don’t really have to cancel us because we get the message. They’re not laughing,” he said. “Our feelings hurt. When we do something and people aren’t laughing we, like, we get it.”

Rock said that fear of cancelation is affecting the quality of comedians, television, and movies. Everybody’s scared to make a move, that’s not a place to be. You know, we should have the right to fail because failure, failure is a part of art,” Rock commented.  “But now you know you’ve got a place where people are scared to talk. That’s not, you know, especially in America you’re scared to talk. But you know, that’s what people want, you know, got to make adjustments.”


Harry’s Latest Bombshell

In the newest segment of Prince Harry’s media tour to alienate the Royal Family, the Duke of Sussex revealed that he abused drugs and alcohol in the wake of his mother Princess Diana’s death.  I was willing to drink, I was willing to take drugs, I was willing to try and do the things that made me feel less like I was feeling,” Harry said. “And I would find myself drinking, not because I was enjoying it but because I was trying to mask something.”

His royal duties left him with crippling panic attacks. “Every time I put a suit and tie on and having to do the role and sort of like go, let’s go. Before I even left the house I was pouring with sweat, my heart rate was . . . I was in fight or flight mode,” he confessed. Panic attacks, severe anxiety — so 28 to probably 32 was a nightmare time in my life, freaking out.” 

He also accused the Firm of refusing to allow him to get help for his mental health. “I thought my family would help but every single ask, request, warning, whatever it is, got met with total silence or total neglect,” he recounted.“Family members have said just play the game and your life will be easier, but I have a hell of a lot of my mum in me. I feel as though I am outside of the system, but I’m still stuck there. The only way to free yourself and break out to tell the truth,” 


Marriage Ties

Ozzy Osbourne defended his wife Sharon against accusations of racism that led her to end her contract with “The Talk.” As you know Sharon, poor old Sharon, has been going through the mill lately,” he said on his “Ozzy Speaks” podcast. “She’s been through the mill a bit and, you know, all I can tell you is if my wife was slightly racist, I’d tell you. She’s possibly the most un-racist person I’ve ever met and I’m not just saying that.”

He noted that Sharon was moving on from the event. “When Sharon first got the news, she was devastated, she was like ‘why are they saying this about me?’” he commented. “But she’s weathered the storm. She’s marching on, I mean but it’s still unpleasant. It’s one of those things, once you’re accused of it, people tie you with that brush, it’s very hard to shake off.”


Dynasty Dollars

Dame Joan Collins unloaded her three-bedroom, three-bathroom, sixteen closet New York pad for $2 million. The 87-year-old “Dynasty” star got rid of her swank 1,900 co-op on Billionaires Row after just 52 days on the market.  


Pre-Teen Avoids Kidnapping

Thanks to tips she learned from the NBC series “Law & Order: SVU, an 11-year-old girl was able to fend off a kidnapper that tried to snatch her from the bus stop. The Florida girl fought off a knife-wielding attacker, and had the foresight to smear homemade blue slime on his arm so police would be able identify him, which they did thanks to her help hours later.  

SVU star Mariska Hargitay reached out to the girl on Instagram after she heard the story. “I think the SVU squad might have to add slime to their crimefighting gear!” She commended.   



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Nine Island Girl
Nine Island Girl
3 years ago

Chris Rock should of spoken more forcefully against cancel culture.
Pretty soon he won’t have anyone in the audience to pretend to laugh at his culture appropriate jokes.
And, stop going on the movies. These leftists need to feel the pain.

lionel s ducote
lionel s ducote
3 years ago

Harry is the only Millionaire that can[t get over not being a “Tenair” (Ten’s of dollars) poor guy should be broke and see how he feels being or having a chance at being in his shoes well except for being married to Megan.

james henry james
james henry james
3 years ago

Maybe if he had to do a real job! It might just wake the cry baby up! I am sure his mother would even be embarrassed at what a whiner he is.

3 years ago

Jeez, happy I kept reading. I would have stolen some of your thunder posting the same thing. I would only add what a wimp this dish rag seems to be. What an unlikeable “couple.”

james henry james
james henry james
3 years ago

LMAO! When ever anyone want to check what the Democrats are doing . They are labeled a racist! It is time to tell the Democrat to shut up! Just shut up we have the right to check what you are doing and we are going to! And the more you whine and try to hide things the deeper we are going to look! Now they want to cancel you! Well what if we start canceling them? And just ignore them as even being relevant. And tell them to shove their BS laws! More and more are turning off their brainwashing media. As they just keep making bigger fools of themselves. Who is really that stupid to swallow what the Democrats media is spewing? Anybody?

3 years ago

Apparently a lot of people in this country are a lot more stupid than we figured….

But I am in…I would love to cancel them in every way possible……

3 years ago

A Divorced Mom With 4 Kids Lost Her Job in Pandemic, But Was Able To Stay On Top By Banking Continuously 15000 Dollars Per Week With An Online Work She Found Over The Internet .TRUMP TO WIN AND GIFT FF TO THE JOBS Before Elections But Unfortunately Election Fraud. It’s easy, just follow instructions on home page, read it carefully from start to finish Check The Details….. 𝐣𝐢𝐯𝐞𝟒.𝐜𝐨𝐦