Ted Cruz Tears Into NCAA for Threatening to Boycott State’s Protecting Women’s Sports

Wikimedia Commons, By Michael Vadon

Texas Senator Ted Cruz laid into NCAA President Mark Emmert about politicizing transgender athletes’ participation in college sports during a Commerce Committee hearing on Wednesday.

Cruz blasted the NCAA’s less than subtle threat to keep championship games from being played in states that have adopted legislation to protect women’s sports. “I am concerned about just how political the NCAA has gotten on the question of transgender athletes,” he remarked.

He parroted a statement made by the NCAA on April 12th. “‘The NCAA board of governors firmly and unequivocally supports the opportunity for transgender student-athletes to compete in college sports,’” Cruz quoted. “And the NCAA further said, ‘When determining where championships are held, NCAA policy directs that only locations where host[s] can commit to providing an environment that is safe, healthy, and free of discrimination should be selected.’”

He commented that their declaration was a “not remotely subtle threat” to target states that were acting in the interest of protecting girls’ and women’s sports.  

“Now, it used to not be controversial to observe that there are biological differences between boys and girls, and when it comes to athletics, there are — can be significant physical advantages for those who are born biologically male in terms of strength and size,” He went on.

“And that’s why we have girls’ sports and boy’s sports and men’s sports and women’s sports in organized athletics. And the science continues to demonstrate that indeed.”

Cruz cited a study that claimed puberty gives males a 10-50% physical advantage in sports, with the most significant dominance in activities that utilize explosive strength and muscle mass. He pointed towards Connecticut high school track championships as an example, as biological males have been demolishing girls’ track records since they began participating.   

“Why does the NCAA think it is fair to girls or to women competing in sports to expect them to compete against individuals who were born biologically male?” He questioned. “Is that fair to the girls and to the women who had been competing in the sports?”

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Mike W
Mike W
3 years ago

There is a simple answer to all of this let them form.their own damned leagues. What’s the next step? They identify as children?

3 years ago

This is the most asinine piece of crap I have ever heard. You have males with a penis competing against girls? Liberalism is truly a ‘mental disorder’. A famous Michael Savage quote!

3 years ago

Let the freaks compete. See how long it takes for those stupid idiot liberals to backtrack. The freaks won 15 state championships in track competing against females. I can’t even put into words how completely stupid liberals are. This country is going to hell.

3 years ago
Reply to  KMc

I think it already made the trip…

3 years ago

The American NCAA is an organization of insane, wanna-be dictators. They want to treat horrid, disgusting sexual freaks as normal human beings – which they are NOT! One would think that the NCAA is trying its very best to destroy the United States of America with their wacko, unhinged view of sexual deviates. If they were Russian or Chinese Communist agents, they could not do more to disrupt and destroy the country.

Retired Marine
Retired Marine
3 years ago

A boy is a boy, a girl is a girl, a hermaphrodite has both genders, and a choice. Queers used to be treated for their mental illness, now the left morons are calling them “normal”. Makes a person sick. Leave Girls sports alone, leave Boys sports alone, and create your fruitcake athletic department if you need to watch them.

3 years ago

Why would a parent send his daughter to a school who participates in the NCAA. A Womans CAA has to be formed. Are these trans athletes going to appear in the Olympics or will there be Queer Olympics, Confused Olympics, Gender Confused Olympics?

3 years ago

I was a Liberal for many years and can tell you it’s a mental disease. Fortunately, I am cured.

Nine Island Girl
Nine Island Girl
3 years ago
Reply to  Donald

Yay. Welcome to sanity.

3 years ago
Reply to  Donald

Welcome to the REAL world!!!

3 years ago

About time to cancel the NCAA– the only people making money off of college sports are NCAA executives!!!!

Nikola's Notion
Nikola's Notion
3 years ago

DeSantis’ Florida and other states have already called the NCAA’s bluff and the NCAA has slinked quietly away from the field, as it were.

Nine Island Girl
Nine Island Girl
3 years ago

Best and only solution to all this garbage is to simply BOYCOTT all professional sports. Problem solved!

3 years ago

Does anyone wonder why people are turning off sports? In the last two years the NBA ratings are down over 50% for examle. I don’t need a lecture on “equality, equity, white priveledge, racism, etc.” every time I turn on the TV.

3 years ago

Ted Cruz did not destroy the NCAA at the hearing and the NCAA never answered the question as to how they were threatening states that passed laws protecting Title 9 and women’s athletics… Stop with the click bait!!!