Jane Fonda Blasts Biden At Pipeline Protest

Wikimedia Commons, By World Economic Forum

Liberal actress Jane Fonda blames President Biden for not working “fast enough” to combat climate change and calls for him to shut down another oil pipeline.

“President Biden has done many, many good things, stopping Keystone XL, stopping the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge drilling. He’s done a lot and we’re really grateful,” she said in an interview. “But the crisis is too severe to do a few good things here and then not do anything where bad stuff is happening.” 

Fonda marched with protestors trying to halt construction of the Enbridge pipeline in Minnesota last week, and called on Biden to pull the permit from the Canadian company building it.  

“We need him to stop this and stop all of the pipelines that Trump okayed as a lame-duck president. None of them are following the proper permit guidelines,” she continued. “It was rushed through. There wasn’t a proper… environmental impact study done.”   

She claims the pipeline is destroying 200 bodies of pristine water by bringing “destructive tar sands” underneath it, and that it was threatening the sovereign rights of Native American tribal land.  

Enbridge countered with a statement that the project is benefiting Native American communities by creating 5,200 family-sustaining construction jobs and millions in local spending and tax revenue. Fonda was not moved by the company’s response to the protests.  

“This is what they do all over the world, the oil companies… They do their drilling and fracking in areas where people are economically depressed,” she remarked. “We are confronting an existential crisis. It’s not just the tribal nations here. It is the globe. We have to stop all new oil development. We cannot allow this to happen.”

She thinks Biden is taking the situation seriously, but the administration has to do more. “It’s nice to be hopeful again, and it’s much better to push a moderate than to fight a fascist, right?” She snarked about Trump. “[Biden’s] done a lot of very good things. But not enough. Not bold enough and not fast enough.”

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Rodney Blauer
Rodney Blauer
3 years ago

Jane Fonda should go to hell with the rest of her liberal assholes

Jj johnny
Jj johnny
3 years ago
Reply to  Rodney Blauer

Got that right

Nine Island Girl
Nine Island Girl
3 years ago

Goodness gracious, this old hag is still at it??? Jane, people hate you, period.
Waste your time getting your horse face pulled one more time.

3 years ago

CORRECT. As a VietNam Vet – I cannot wait to PI$$ on Hanoi Jane’s grave.

3 years ago
Reply to  tom

Go for it Tom…… And thank you so much for your service to this great country.

3 years ago

That evil witch has always been a commie. She is a traitor to our country since she cavorted with the enemy, North Vietnam, during that war……

I have never liked her and I always will!!! Lololololololol !!!!!!!

3 years ago

Every time I think of Jane Fonda….which is not much….I remember a picture of her sitting on a Vietnamese tank…..with this big grin on her face making nice with the enemy….she was such a putz and still is….an old hasn’t been that shouldn’t even be acknowledged.

3 years ago
Reply to  LaJo

Hanoi Commie Jane. Her father Henry was the only great actor in the Fonda family.

3 years ago
Reply to  LaJo

Anti aircraft gun NOT a tank

3 years ago

Stupid beyotch.

Gene Ralno
Gene Ralno
3 years ago

I wonder if Hanoi Jane was considered for the ambassadorship to Vietnam.

3 years ago
Reply to  Gene Ralno

That would be a good way to get rid of her.

3 years ago

Tell me Jane, do you drive a car, do you heat and cool your home with electricity, do you use the airlines or do you own a private plane ✈️? If so then quit all of the above so you can live without these benefits that are provided through the use of fossil fuels.
Do not harp on shutting down pipelines and still continue to use the benefits they provide; that just proves you are a complete hypocritical elitist member of the 1% that can afford to rant about climate change as energy costs rise.

3 years ago
Reply to  Oirish1953

true words…

3 years ago

the earth generates 800 billion tons of CO2 every year…..20 times that of man. CO2 only comprises .04% of our atmosphere. climate change is a lie.

3 years ago
Reply to  Pizzaman7

It is indeed a hoax….

3 years ago
Reply to  Pizzaman7

Hoax is right!!!
Here’s another that was propagated from the Lefty-Tards, via China, and the Sheeple bought it, hook, line, and sinker!!!!

People just drop Dead from COVID…….Really????


Merrick Ales
Merrick Ales
3 years ago

Go live in Hanoi with your commie buddies see how they do things

3 years ago

Dammit , wish it was you instead of Peter.

3 years ago

Jane Fonda is one the most hated people in the Republic!!!! She should hide and never show up anywhere except for a mortuary!

3 years ago

vietong jane still wrong as usual.

3 years ago

Are the Janes of the world going to donate money for electric jets and electric ships. Where are the electric fill up stations for planes and ships going to be built. My opinion—these people just need to “shut up”!! By the way how are regular people and poor people going to pay for electric vehicles, and pay for electric plane tickets, train, and ship tickets?

3 years ago
Reply to  James

The “regular” people will be forced to live in dense public housing and fight each other for public transit that doesn’t take them where they want to go. Only the Crime Party people will have POVs (Privately Owned Vehicles [ and homes].)

3 years ago

Well hell! Lets just throw out the combustion engine, hydro dams and coal/gas fired electrical plants while we are at it, ay Jane? Then we could all walk to work and freeze to death in the commune right?

3 years ago

It’s hard to imagine Hanoi Jane walking unassisted let alone walking in a protest. She’s what like 150 yo. Ol Henry had to be ashamed of those two Blowhards were actually his own spawn.

Last edited 3 years ago by Gerti
3 years ago
Reply to  Gerti

Actually, he was a leftist too.

3 years ago

Jane who?

3 years ago

fonda us an anti American, who really ought to move out of the USA. since all she has ever done is oppose anything and anybody…………..Not to evr forget “HANOI jane”………….

Pissed Off American
Pissed Off American
3 years ago

Hanoi Jane, Commie American TRATIOR. I always wondered what her father thought of her traitor activities. I liked her father, but can’t stand this bitch after she pulled the North Vietnam stunt that got POW’s killed. Far I’m concerned she should have never been allowed back in America. Just let her stay in Vietnam and eat rice and fish. Let her see how well she fits in with the commie way of life.
I wouldn’t walk across the street to piss on her if she was on fire. I barley missed Vietnam, but still supported the troops. I was an Air Force brat. We were dragged all over the place for 25 years. BACK the BLUE and ALL MILITARY any DAY!

3 years ago

I wonder what “environmentally friendly” mode of transportation Fonda used to get to the protest? Bicycle, walk, horse and carriage? Planes, trains and automobile pollute the air so she would not have used one of those. She hasn’t changed much since the her treason in the Viet Nam war.

3 years ago
Reply to  Bill

Must have flown to Minnesota in her solar powered airplane. She will always remain Hanoi Jane to many of us.

3 years ago

Wow! Destroying pristine bodies of water by bringing destructive tar sands underneath them. Once again the lefties prove they know nothing about science, industry, or environmental law. And in what universe would Biden be defined as a moderate?? His administration has shown zero interest in working with conservatives on anything nor hear input from this group at all.

3 years ago

If Jane Fonda wants to control climate change so bad why doesn’t she do these two things:
1-stop flying, driving, using tech made items, eating and peeing(which pollutes our ground and water

  1. stop talking. All that hot air she blows is part of the cause she claims to want to control
3 years ago

Why isn’t she dead yet????
Guess Satin isnt done with her yet!?!?

3 years ago

Jane Fonda has been wrong about everything for 50 years….. kind of like Joe Biden.

3 years ago

Who the hell cares what the traitor Hanoi Jane has to say. I have missed some movies that may have been good but with her in them or anything else I will not watch this traitor Witch.

3 years ago

Hanoi Jane should have been executed a very long time ago.

3 years ago

Who on this earth cares what Jane Fonda thinks or believes. She has been a mess for years, since Vietnam. Just go away!

3 years ago

Who cares what Cat Ballou thinks about anything? Stop giving the Bunny press and she will go away.