Liberal Comedian Bill Maher Mocks Woke Liberals “Progressophobia”

Wikimedia Commons, by Angela George

Liberal comedian Bill Maher slammed his own party for its constant “progressphobia” being spouted by leftist politicians and celebrities. Maher took specific aim at young “woke” liberals who are often so consumed by coming across as enlightened and progressive they villainize the simplest of things.

According to The Daily Wire:

“That’s the phrase coined by Steven Pinker to describe a brain disorder that strikes liberals and makes them incapable of recognizing progress,” Maher said on his show. “It’s like situational blindness, only what you can’t see is that your dorm in 2021 is better than the South before the Civil War. … Acknowledging progress isn’t saying ‘we’re done’ or ‘we don’t need more,’ and being gloomier doesn’t make you a better person.”

Maher mocked the endless — and breathless — reports by the establishment media during the presidency of Donald Trump.

“There is a recurrent theme on the far left that things have never been worse,” he continued. “Kevin Hart expressed a view many hold when he told The New York Times, ‘You’re witnessing white power and white privilege at an all-time high.’ This is one of the big problems with wokeness — that what you say doesn’t have to make sense or jibe with the facts or ever be challenged, lest the challenge itself be conflated with racism. But saying White power and privilege is at an all-time high is just ridiculous.”

Maher pointed out the, uh, past. “Higher than a century ago — the year of the Tulsa race massacre?” he asked. “Higher than the years when the KKK rode unchecked and Jim Crow went unchallenged? Higher than the 1960s when the Supremes and Willie Mays still couldn’t stay in the same hotel as the White people they were working with? Higher than slavery? And I mean actual slavery, not ‘Prince doesn’t like his record contract’ slavery.”

This isn’t the first time Maher has called out woke progressives for being completely off their rockers. The liberal comedian has also called out the left for its often overdramatic reaction to COVID-19 and how young progressives frequently take the matter too far in the name of being “woke.”

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Emmett Nichols
Emmett Nichols
3 years ago

Bill Maher,you have put things into a perfect perception. Could not have said it better. Kudos to you.

3 years ago
Reply to  Emmett Nichols

But dont trust him!!!
He’ll flip-flop on you in a Libatard -Minute!!!

3 years ago
Reply to  ranman

YES!!!! What ranman said!!!!

3 years ago

I wouldn’t pee on Bill Maher if I saw him on fire. But having said that, when he’s right he’s right. And he’s definitely right this time.

Nancy Forrest
Nancy Forrest
3 years ago

Kudos to Bill Maher for expressing this point of view. I agree. “Accept no criticism that your conscience opposes,” said Albert Schweitzer, a Nobel Peace Prize Laureate and medical missionary. Being called a racist by ill-informed or malicious people means absolutely nothing if you consider the source of the criticism; it does not make it true. I choose not to become defensive regarding false narratives said about me or others and, instead, focus all my efforts on helping others and showing consideration toward others whenever possible, irrespective of their background. Life is too short to be at odds with other people for any reason, least of all by making personal attacks. Treating everyone with respect, regardless of race or ethnicity, will make the world a better place for everyone.

1 year ago

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