Liberal comedian Bill Maher blasted radical leftists promoting the slogan ‘defund the police’ during a taping of his show ‘Real Time’ on Friday.
Maher claimed that not only was it a terrible idea but that it would also encourage Americans to vote for Trump.
As The Daily Wire reports:
HBO host Bill Maher says the “defund the police” movement being pushed by liberal Democrats is a “terrible idea” and will prompt more Americans to vote for President Trump in November.
“Liberals want to take police money, police funds and divert it to community services, which sounds like a very good thing, good idea,” Maher said Friday during the opening monologue of his show “Real Time with Bill Maher.”
“But they’re calling it ‘defund the police,’ which sounds bad!” he said.
“That is so Democrats for you,” Maher said. “They must have meetings to be this f****ing stupid about politics. ‘Hey, guys. We’re making some headway here. Um, how can we turn this into something that makes people have to vote for Trump?’”
Nobody ever said liberal dems had common sense EVER
Comedian? It would be funny if that a$$crack died maybe, nothing else is even remotely amusing…..
That is the first semi true thing I have ever heard mahr say…
Bill Maher would need a brain transplant to have any good thing to say but this statement is a surprise truth!
Broken clock is right twice a day.
I think it’s a great idea to get more people to vote for Trump. The more the merrier.
Anyone who gives a damn about this country will vote for Donald Trump. Why would anyone vote for Joe Biden, he can’t complete a sentence how the hell can he run this country. I have said this before and to me, this is the only thing that makes sense. Whoever Biden’s’ VP is will run the country, Joe will be relegated to kissing babies and ribbon cutting ceremonies at the new Walmart. Within in the first 6 months the Dems will get together and enact the 25th Amendment and get rid of Joe because he is mentally unfit to be president, the VP whoever that is will take over and Pelosi will move up to VP. This is the only thing that makes any kind of sense. With Pelosi as VP, the country will begin its Death Spiral into Socialism and will go from being the most powerful nation in the world to the next Third World Country and we can then change the name of the country to Venezuela North.
These lefty clowns $#!+-heads, still think all their BS ‘posturing & virtue-signal-ING’ has fooled ppl…everyone sane is just waiting for these lemmings & their handlers, to go over the side of the cliff, come November!
For once I agree with him. Only once. By the way this guy is comedian. He is Moron , Hollywierd POS boy.
I’ve heard several dems say that if they defund the police they’ll be voting republican for the first time ever.
Anyone with a brain will vote from Trump. Anyone without a brain is a Democrat including the top of their ticket.
Pay no attention to the man who claims to be a comedian!
We need the Demoncrats to commit every blunder they are capable of between now and November, just to offset their tampering with the election come November.
Defunding the Police wherever possible needs to be cheered on, not just because of the colossal blunder that will be hung squarely on the Demoncrats by such a move but because of the constant in-your-face reminder they will be receiving every time they go to the store and are confronted with increasingly bare shelves from the lack of goods being delivered because most of the truckers have already made it known that they won’t be making deliveries into jurisdictions with no police around.
Meanwhile, the empty shelf syndrome will be disappearing from the jurisdictions where Common Sense reigns as the deliveries that aren’t going to the Demoncrat jurisdictions will be re-routed to the Republican Run areas of the country.
This is but only one of a multitude of reasons. Another one is folks in the media such as yourself claiming that Biden is sharp and on point. We’re fed up with being lied to about how f**king great everything that the left is trying to shove down us is. One of the democrats greatest ploys is inflation and the crippling effect it has on the middle class and the complete feeling of being desperately trapped with no chance of improving for the bottom of our economic spectrum. Trump gave everyone hope and a route for improvement. The socialist left is doing it’s damaging best to destroy it.
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