FBI Determines The Bubba Wallace/NASCAR ‘Noose’ ‘Hate Crime’ Never Happened

Wikimedia Commons, By Zach Catanzareti

The FBI has now officially determined that NASCAR driver Bubba Wallace’s claim that the ‘noose’ he found in his garage was not, in fact, part of a hate crime and had actually been there since at least October.

This comes after days of hysteria from both NASCAR and the mainstream media over the allegations.

As Yahoo News reports:

The FBI and the U.S. Attorney’s office for the Northern District of Alabama said Tuesday that no federal charges would be filed after a noose was found in Bubba Wallace’s garage stall at Talladega on Sunday.

A statement from U.S. Attorney Jay Town and the FBI’s Johnny Sharp said that the noose had been in the garage stall since the fall of 2019. Wallace was assigned that garage stall at Talladega earlier in the week. Garage stall assignments are typically done via points standings after the previous race event.

The noose was found Sunday by a team member of Wallace’s. Wallace did not see the noose and only knew it existed when he was informed by NASCAR president Steve Phelps later that afternoon.

“On Monday, fifteen FBI special agents conducted numerous interviews regarding the situation at Talladega Superspeedway. After a thorough review of the facts and evidence surrounding the event, we have concluded that no federal crime was committed. The FBI learned that garage number 4, where the noose was found, was assigned to Bubba Wallace last week. The investigation also revealed evidence, including authentic video confirmed by NASCAR, that the noose found in garage number 4 was in that garage as early as October 2019. Although the noose is now known to have been in garage number 4 in 2019, nobody could have known Mr. Wallace would be assigned to garage number 4 last week. The decision not to pursue federal charges is proper after reviewing all available facts and all applicable federal laws. We offer our thanks to NASCAR, Mr. Wallace and everyone who cooperated with this investigation.”

Wallace has been an outspoken advocate of various social justice causes, but after promoting a ‘hate crime’ which appears to now been essentially a hoax will NASCAR fans start tuning out from the sport completely?

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4 years ago

This as another Jesse hoax. Come everybody, calm donw get some sense.
America is by and large not a racist country.

4 years ago
Reply to  REM

Im done with NASCAR.. good bye, never another penny spent there.

4 years ago

Now the fact that a noose was any where in the garages of NASCAR in itself is quite troubling in many different ways. Now he noose may have been there for years but it sdoes not make it right for it to be there. Now Wallace was not the one who rported the noose it was part of his work crew, well according to the FBI report.

4 years ago
Reply to  Robert

Its a TOOL dingbat. A TOOL used to close the damn door.

Dennis L Ruffin
Dennis L Ruffin
4 years ago
Reply to  Robert

Robert: You can’t, possibly, be as ignorant as your comment would indicate.

Steve Vickers
Steve Vickers
4 years ago

Not a noose, a loop to put your hand in. Call it what it is

4 years ago
Reply to  Steve Vickers

Robert do we need to get rid of all those loops that riders put their hands in/on when on the subway or bus? After all, they make a loop and look like a NOOSE to the under educated racists. You cannot possibly be that dumb.

4 years ago
Reply to  Robert

It was a rope to pull down the roll-up door. I have one on my storage unit. It’s perfectly innocuous and quite handy if it’s a tall opening. The whole affair was an exercise in stupidity. I mean if it’s tied to the door on the other end, could the pinhead NASCAR people not figure out it’s to close the door with? Even more so when every other stall is equipped the same way. Duh.

4 years ago
Reply to  Robert

Hey Robert. Can you understand it was a “handle” so the door could be more easily pulled down? There are LOTS of “nooses” out there being used for various reasons besides trying to intimidate or hang someone. What a bunch of idiots jumping on the “racist” bus!!!

4 years ago
Reply to  Robert

Are you really as stupid as you seem to be? It was a handle on a rope to lower the freaking door, I’ve seen them in garages my whole career, it’s a rope you tie knots in ropes, it clearly wasn’t a noose.

Ernest Lane
Ernest Lane
4 years ago
Reply to  B

In fact, someone said that a pull-down rope like that is in every garage.

4 years ago
Reply to  Robert

What IVY league school did you get your degree from???

william palmer
william palmer
4 years ago
Reply to  Robert

Come on Man. It’s a PULL DOWN ROPE at the side of the ROLL UP DOOR. Simple.

4 years ago

I guess nigros are too collectively stoopit to see the damage they’re doing. Maybe its not too late to send them all back to africa!

william palmer
william palmer
4 years ago
Reply to  ernaldo

I Doubt many even know where Africa is.

4 years ago
Reply to  ernaldo

Ernaldo and William Palmer: Only leftists would make these kinds of stupid statements. Go troll somewhere else.

4 years ago

A year or two ago somebody with too much time on his hands fashioned a noose as a pull down handle for the garage door of #4 at that track. And although Bubba has every right to be upset by that symbol there was no racism intended by who ever made it. If Blacks want to remove the Confederate Battle Flag as a symbol of oppression they should co-opt it as their own. A “see what we can overcome” symbol. How many racists would be waving it then? Sew it on the seat of their pants. “Every time I fart I wave that flag.”

4 years ago
Reply to  Bernie99

If Bubba has a right to be upset or offended by a rope in the shape of a noose, then all I’ve got to say is that he better not watch any old cowboy movies. But then a huge row would be launched saying old cowboy movies are “raciest” b/c there are NOOSES in them and it offends his thin skin. I guess in today’s political environment all the dead cowboys who were hanged have families from 150 years ago have a right to be offended too……….no matter that they were criminals to start with and in fact EARNED their hanging. Every day I read the news and there’s something more stupid in it than the day before, but I think Bubba and the Noose takes the cake for pure stupidity. Oh, excuse me………Bubba’s team, since they’re the ones who started the whole rig-mo-roe!!

4 years ago
Reply to  Independent1

The cowboys who were hanged were hanged because they were criminals. The Blacks who were hanged were hanged because they were Black. If you dont know the difference then you can eat your entire stupidity cake.

New America
New America
4 years ago
Reply to  Bernie99

What if the hung cowboy was a black cowboy.
Was he still hung merely for being black?
I’m with you Bernie99, and I only learned when I enrolled at an IVY league university that I will not name, it is impossible for ANY black person to commit any crime.
Those crimes only occurred in the white man’s racist mind. But not in reality.
Hey, Bernie99, I think like you.

4 years ago
Reply to  Bernie99

Bernie99: What about a whip? What about a tree? What about a chain?
Do we have to get rid of every single item that was ever used to torment and enslave someone, somewhere, in some past occurrence? That’s the slope you’re sliding down.
If this noose was not prominently displayed as some sort of message, it’s simply an item that was used to pull on a door. There is no evil implication that can be inferred.
We all need to stop being offended by random events.
PTSD is real, and had Bubba witnessed a lynching, perhaps he would be triggered by symbols of that event. But this is obviously a contrived scenario, just like the Jesse Smollett hoax. I would suggest he be fined for falsely filing these charges and wasting the FBIs time.

4 years ago
Reply to  Sensible

Bernie99, do we also need to burn all the cotton fields since slaves were supposed to be used to pick cotton?

4 years ago
Reply to  Bernie99

It is NOT a noose. It is a LOOP!

Robert L. Kahlcke
Robert L. Kahlcke
4 years ago

Oh my Jussie.

4 years ago

So who has been arrested for this hoax?
Did I miss the article on that?

4 years ago

where the hell is the piciure? a noose is made to slide. a door pull down i would guess was not made that way. why no picture????

william palmer
william palmer
4 years ago
Reply to  deployable

There is a Picture of his door and the door next to him. Pull Down Loop.

Ernest Lane
Ernest Lane
4 years ago
Reply to  william palmer

Now, yes. But there should have been a photo when the allegation was made.

4 years ago

Everyone has the right to be stupid but you’re abusing the privilege.

4 years ago

Just another black racist.

4 years ago

Too bad the FBI could not have been so thorough when investigating Hillary.

4 years ago
Reply to  Pappy

No agents to investigate Hillary. 15 agents to investigate a 6 foot piece of rope.

4 years ago
Reply to  Jeep

Awesome observation…. Makes you wonder doesn’t it ?

4 years ago

Yup, finally ruining Nascar now too.

Gary Umholtz
Gary Umholtz
4 years ago

I believe Bubba cried wolf again! Same one that got the Confederate Battle flag removed from NASCAR events! I never liked Bubba and now like him less with the theatrics and all!

Bill Nye
Bill Nye
4 years ago

Per the dictionary: Hoax- something intended to deceive or defraud
So how was it a hoax? Who was the person intending to deceive? Wallace didn’t. NASCAR? No again. The crewman? Nope. Is it Hillary? Did Hillary do this just to hurt some easily fooled racists? Yeah, it was probably Hillary.

4 years ago
Reply to  Bill Nye

Yeah……it probably was Hillary.

4 years ago
Reply to  Bill Nye

You gave the wrong answer to each of the questions you asked.
So how was it a hoax? Who was the person intending to deceive? Wallace DID.
NASCAR? POSSIBLY. This was an attempt to paint NASCAR in a different light if they are now WOKE.
The crewman? OBVIOUSLY.
Is it Hillary? Did Hillary do this just to hurt some easily fooled racists? NOPE, it was WASN’T Hillary.

Louie Rey
Louie Rey
4 years ago

This was yet ANOTHER rush to judgement by the lamestream media which was hoping against hope it filled their narrative of America being an unredeemable and racist nation. And, of course, they’ll never apologize. They’ll just hop on the next uncorroborated hoax.

4 years ago

The real Hate Crime was committed against Hunter Bullins, the Gasman for Brown Racing. He was Publicly Labeled a Racist and FIRED without Cause or Evidence. When is HE going to get a PUBLIC APOLOGY from Bubba, NASCAR and Brown Racing?? HE is the real VICTIM in this debacle!

Cecelia Henderson
Cecelia Henderson
4 years ago

This driver is stupid. Couldn’t he figure out that other attempts at faked racial abuses didn’t work and he’d only look like a fool when the truth came out. I feel sorry for all those people that stood up for him and walked with his car to show solidarity. His lies now make them look foolish and I would imagine they are angry.

4 years ago

When you see racism everywhere you could be a racist!

4 years ago

Wallace is singlehandedly destroying NASCAR although NASCAR is so easily bullied, they are effectively aiding their own demise.
NASCAR threw out Kyle Larson for a slip of the tongue in a non-official Cup Race so shouldn’t they do the same to Wallace for aiding in the commission of a hoax?
Where is this equality they want??

4 years ago
Reply to  bobert

NASCAR along with the NFL are now nothing more than political organization.

4 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous


4 years ago
Reply to  bobert

Here is 10 Thumbs Ups Bobert

4 years ago

What is our Country coming to? Too much reverse racism and some,not all but a few folks still blaming all white people of being racist,now I do understand there are racist people out there but not all white people are racist just like not all black people are racist or blaming all white people,I grew up in a projects and was poor and most of our neighbors were African American and we got along fine,we’d play Nintendo games,play war with just sticks and you know what,none of us ever worried about the color of our skin,we are all children of God and we’re all Americans, come on folks let’s all stop the blame game and start caring for one and other,Take care and God Bless!!!???

4 years ago

Breaking news:
Jussie, we mean Bubba found evidence of a burned cross in the same garage.
Details at 11.
Oops, turns out it’s not a burned cross, just a well used lug wrench.
Bubba cancels his Don Lemon interview on the burned cross – well maybe not.

Ernest Lane
Ernest Lane
4 years ago
Reply to  Dan

You know, I wouldn’t be surprised if CNN breathlessly reports on a burned cross in his garage.

4 years ago

Just another lying black living down to their worst stereotypes.

40 year NASCAR Fan
40 year NASCAR Fan
4 years ago

I will no longer support NASCAR. I stopped watching the NFL when they allowed some players to Neal during the national anthem.This political correctness is ruining our Sports and destroying our country

4 years ago

Too many people with an agenda, picking the fly shit out of the pepper. ?

4 years ago

No more nascar for me, used to be a season ticket holder. Ever watch hockey? Looks fun. Maybe rugby? Not as many pu$$…!

Art Crosby
Art Crosby
4 years ago

There goes Another neighborhood

4 years ago

He received so much support from all the other riders. I thought how cold not one word of thanks to them.
He cried crocodile tears and received all the sympathy from those around him. He looked like he was sorry the noose was not for him. Another Jesse….No good!

4 years ago

Another Jussie Smollett? You will never win friends in NASCAR with that kind of crap…Grow a pair and act like a man.

4 years ago

bubba ,took the sails out of nascar.he has distroyed it good name .and the fans are running away from the sport because of cry baby child.if you wont to play with the big boys bubba then act like a man. you came into a white mans sport and you knew there would be hard times.but you just ffffed up your pay checks and career.for your self and many other drivers.seam like everything gets distroyed by childern like you. i for one stops going the day you were hired in.

4 years ago

Another HOAX. Bubba just wants to start another fake racist cry. Bubba black is one dumb negro. Garages have those ropes incase the automatic doors don’t work. I’m not a mechanic or a race car driver and I know that, I have a racist rope in my garage. All you stupid white fall for his shit – stupid stupid.

Robert Richey
Robert Richey
4 years ago

I say send Bubba and NASCAR The bill for bringing all the FBI agents and all of their expenses. Black Lives matter painted on the side of his car I’m sure offends many people so NASCAR should make Petty Enterprises remove it and put a big STPid sticker on it.

4 years ago

So long nascar ! All my life a nascar fan. (and im old) The stupid new rules, Stage racing ? You cannot tell the cars apart, A Chev, Ford, Toyota ?? No confederate flags. If a driver brakes a finger nail they call a yellow. What has happened to innovation ? A little innovation can get you a 20K fine.. How stupid. Many auto innovations have come because of RACING. Last season the stands were at least 30-40% empty, cant wait to see them this season !

Ernest Lane
Ernest Lane
4 years ago

Geez, it was evident from the start it was a hoax. No photo. Given the way we photograph with our phones, it’s just not possible that some crew member, or Bubba Wallace, didn’t take a photo of the “noose.”

Robert L. Kahlcke
Robert L. Kahlcke
4 years ago

Perhaps Bubba could make a real one and hang himself for being an idiot.
Did you make that JUSSIE ?

4 years ago

Won’t be long before rope will be considered racist.

4 years ago

If you are going to be upset, be upset at the fact that only Democrats owned slaves, wrote the Jim Crow Laws, started the KKK and Didn’t vote for the Civil Rights Act. They bamboozled the Blacks to join their side when FDR promised the moon after the Depression hit and never delivered. Today close to 13 Million aborted babies were black. Margaret Sanger, who started Planned Parenthood would be so proud and happy that she acomplished so much eradication of the black community in the USA. LBJ also greatly contributed to the fact that so many black children are having to contend with no fathers in their household. If you are going to be md at anyone Bubba, be mad at the Democrats who are using you and other blacks to much their agendas and make themselves powerful and RICH. WAKE UP!

4 years ago

I find it hard to believe that Wallace uses the name “Bubba”. Since he is so sensitive and never saw a garage door pull, Oh, that’s right he said he never actually saw it, but was told about it. Guess he is a privileged child and always had an electric garage door opener. But, back to the Super Sensitive Bubba comment. Bubba is a derogatory name used by the elitist to denote a stupid, ignorant individual from the Appalachians, or the South. If they use that “Southern” name won’t he be offended and start crying again.

4 years ago

I’m 75 years old and have been going to nascar racing since I was 16– southern 500, firecracker 400 Atlanta 500 and Richard Petty was my all time favorite driver. Even sent him a campaign contribution when he ran for office in North Carolina. However after this stupidity I wouldn’t walk across the street to see him. Will miss that petty blue, but nascar has seen the last of me!

2 years ago

throw him out of nascar make him unemployable

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