Lena Dunham Slammed Online After Airing Bizarre Fantasy About Becoming Hunter Biden’s Wife

By David Shankbone - Own work, CC BY 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=19316876

Former ‘Girls’ creator, and notoriously Anti-Trump actress, Lena Dunham is being blasted from all sides after airing a bizarre fantasy she has in which she becomes Hunter Biden’s wife.

Dunham has been no stranger to unhinged behavior, but this might be a bridge too far, even for her, as The New York Post reports:

Lena Dunham is getting less than raves from her followers on social media after fantasizing on Twitter about being the wife of President Joe Biden’s son Hunter.

The Justice Department is investigating the younger Biden for possible tax fraud, and has also come under fire in recent years for his personal life, which included divorce, a drug abuse problem and a court battle over child support for a baby her fathered with a stripper.

Needless to say, many social media users were not buying it:

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Bob L.
Bob L.
3 years ago

That photo is scary!!!!
Mic Dundee needs to check “her” to see if she’s real.

Buck Fiden
Buck Fiden
3 years ago

SHe could never be Hunter Biden’s “beautiful” wife. She would have to be beautiful.

Bll Tremewan
Bll Tremewan
3 years ago

Nobody’s paid her any mind for quite an interval, so she has to try something.
She and Kathi Griffin probably strategize together.

John J
3 years ago

perfect, you deserve each other

3 years ago

How Hunter B is not already been indicted for his admitted pedophilia is beyond repugnant! His father, the illegal President Traitor Joe should also have been indicted months ago fir his compliance in his son’s crime.

3 years ago
Reply to  Donald

He may have been on Clinton/ Epstein list …too big not to have Epstein alive.

3 years ago
Reply to  Donald

As I understand it, Joe’s been indicted by Ukraine, so, how he was still inaugurated as our President is beyond me. All these other countries should have spoken up, especially when Obama submitted the FAKE birth certificate!!! Our President doesn’t only affect OUR country, but everyone else’s too, by things like sanctions, who we fund with money and weapons etc. The Democrats just never learn. The more they go after Republicans, the more they expose their OWN crimes. They already STOLE the election and we know it!!! And if they don’t stop persecuting TRUMP, they may just find themselves in a second Civil War. There’s an old Goldie Hawn movie called Protocol that should be mandatory viewing before you’re allowed to vote. She makes some very profound statements about watching the Government, who they give our money to, and who they deal with. This movie is even more relevant now than when it came out.

3 years ago
Reply to  Donald

That’s why they all cheated to get him in, they all have connections to Hunter Biden.

Tom Brown
Tom Brown
3 years ago

Go for it, Lena! It would be a match made in heaven. Only one thing, no pics, PLEASE!

3 years ago
Reply to  Tom Brown

I think she has to have been married to a relative of his first before he starts sniffing around, isn’t that one of his stipulations?

3 years ago
Reply to  Patty


Tractor Man
Tractor Man
3 years ago

Liberal have a line of decency that can be crossed and this it it?

3 years ago

she deserves him. she is as ugly and gross as he you would fit in the WH just fine with the rest of the crooks

John Strom
John Strom
3 years ago

Lena Dunham, C U Next Tuesday

james henry james
james henry james
3 years ago

LMAO! Told you Democrats all have more than one screw lose! Democrat will promise anything to the stupid and gullible

Kevin Gravett
Kevin Gravett
3 years ago

Probably just another Crack Head that fanaticizes about a free ride.

Tony Winters
Tony Winters
3 years ago

Wanting to be Hunter Biden’s wife, rather Low Expectations even for an irrelevant Hollywood Elitist. Of course, she must know that she would be sharing him with, hookers and other underage females, that is when he isn’t high on drugs. I suppose having LOW CLass is better than having NCAA, (No Class At All), not much better but some.

Michael Lowenstein
Michael Lowenstein
3 years ago
Reply to  Tony Winters

Follow the money…He’s rich.

Louie Rey
Louie Rey
3 years ago

No offense but even HE has better taste in women than to be married or even date you. Another liberal who has absolutely no self-awareness.

3 years ago

That is so scary….wanting to be the wife of a drug addicted, wanna be porno player……..

Janice E. Prescott
Janice E. Prescott
3 years ago

Don’t think Hunter is looking for a fat, ugly wife, so I guess that leaves you out you idiot. I think he likes children, and you aren’t that either. Maybe a guy? You are really sick.

3 years ago

Hass Hunter already been convicted and marrying Lena Dunham is the sentence handed down by the Judge? Man, that is cruel and unusual punishment but since the left is throwing out the rest of the Constitution may as well throw away the 8th Amendment too!

Craig Murphy
Craig Murphy
3 years ago

Come’on, man. Hunter’s already had a tough life. Don’t throw Lena Dunham into the mix, too. If you do, Hunter may take a plea.

3 years ago

Lol she’s like 40 years to old for that grotesque pig ?

3 years ago

Run for your life Hunter!!!
Run straight to jail where you’ll be safe from that crazy Pig, and find real love!!!

3 years ago

his standards are lower than dirt but still not dunham low

3 years ago

At least Joe wouldn’t hit on her-she’s more than 12 years old.

3 years ago

Sorry Lena, Hunter likes them Underaged and Helpless, so you don’t fit his Narrative!!!! But Good Luck with your Fantasy!!

Pissed Off American
Pissed Off American
3 years ago

Getting good drugs to share with Hunter are you? Your 15 seconds of fame are over, please exit the swamp and return to you slime pool. Have you looked in the mirror? Will this dream float you to the top of the shit pool to be scraped off for Hunter to destroy? Good Luck!

3 years ago

She need’s to bathe….plus she is WAY too OLD for Hunter😃


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