Kanye West Announces Run for U.S. Presidency

Wikimedia Commons, By David Shankbone

Pop superstar Kanye West announced via Twitter on Saturday that he will be running for President of the United States.

As The Daily Wire reports:

Rapper Kanye West announced Saturday on Twitter that he is running for President of the United States.

“We must now realize the promise of America by trusting God, unifying our vision and building our future,” West wrote. “I am running for president of the United States! #2020VISION”

Entrepreneur Elon Musk responded by writing: “You have my full support!”

Will Kanye West stand a chance against Donald Trump and Joe Biden? Will he even get on the ballot? Let us know what you think in the comments below.

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4 years ago


Ida Socci
Ida Socci
4 years ago

As an American born citizen, we is actually more qualified than Obama was…

4 years ago
Reply to  Ida Socci

I have to agree

Don M.
Don M.
4 years ago

Would like to know more about his position on issues before I would know if I would vote for him. However,
Trump is a proven leader and gets things done. Plus the rest of the world knows where he stands and is not about to challenge him directly.

4 years ago

when did ye start doing standup? dude is FUNNY.

4 years ago

That is the dumbest thing I’ve heard. What kind of experience does he bring to the table?

4 years ago
Reply to  75matt

Exactly! Especially foreign policy.

4 years ago

Kanye is a thousand times more qualified than Sleepy Joe. Biden has been a politician for over 40 years and hasn’t done a thing. Oh, He did do one thing. The crime bill in 1994 that put low level drug offenders in jail for decades.

Ismail Lopez
Ismail Lopez
4 years ago

he needs to go to school, law school then then study government in university, he’s daydreaming even Joe Biden is much more clever than him, are u shiting me???

Edith Pelham
Edith Pelham
4 years ago

So now the election of a world leader is going to be a “popularity contest.” There should be some minimum qualifications that a candidate must meet to be considered for this most important job in the world!

4 years ago

Mr. West is stirring up the pot !
Let’s see if they’ll even let him get on the
ballot … This is a joke !

4 years ago

Why Bother? When we have a President that knows what he is doing right now? WHY NOT? Jump In Next Round? 2024 When Trump is out of office? Feels more like a Betrayal?

John J
John J
4 years ago

The kid who picks up my dog shit has a 3 point lead over Kanye

4 years ago

So let me get this straight……I thought Kanye was a big fan of Trump. Why in the world would he seriously want to run against him??? Geez….I actually thought he had gotten smart in his older age. Being a personality that is popular does NOT qualify you to be a world leader….although I will agree with those who said that he would have been a better president than Obama……

Ellen Zaslaw
Ellen Zaslaw
4 years ago

Too funny ! This guy is far from a music superstar and he’s delusional. But, this is America. Bugs Bunny could run for president.

1 year ago

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