Actress Rose McGowan stunned her online followers on Monday night by accusing oscar winning director Alexander Payne of raping her when she was 15 years-old.
As The New York Post reports:
The “Scream” actress penned a lengthy Instagram post Monday night after divulging the alleged sexual misconduct by Payne on Twitter.
“For years I had thought a man I had sexual relations with was a sexual experience I had,” she wrote. “I now know I was groomed. I auditioned for him at 15.”
The now-46-year-old said she came to a realization about Payne three weeks after sexual abuse allegations against Harvey Weinstein surfaced. McGowan has also accused Weinstein of raping her…
McGowan continued, “If you are out there trying to have sex with an underage minor, you are committing a crime, even if the minor doesn’t know it. I was attracted to him, so I thought it was on me, but that’s not correct. I was not an adult.”
Alexander Payne. You sat me down & played a soft-core porn movie you directed for Showtime under a different name. I still remember your apartment in Silverlake. You are very well-endowed. You left me on a street corner afterwards. I was 15.
— Rose McGowan (@rosemcgowan) August 17, 2020
McGowan has previously attacked the Democratic party for its close ties to convicted rapist Harvey Weinstein and its history of ignoring the claims of former victims of sexual assault.
Now get Bill Clinton and Prince Andrew
— Rose McGowan (@rosemcgowan) July 3, 2020
Good for her to be able to name these scum Hollywood executives
Why did she sleep with so many?
You 15. Him 30! Yeah he’s a scum bag!!
I sure hope she nails that scumbag for what he did to her. He stole her “innocence” and made her feel dirty. Well, let this be a lesson to all youths wanting into show business… always have a responsible adult with you as guardians, especially if you are attractive. Those slimes in the business have no conscience or morals. I hope Alexander Payne gets what’s coming to him. She really should press charges, and not just forget about it after this confession.
What if, she did so willingly to promo her career?
Tough call isn’t it. What if he was 30 going on 15? What if she was 15 going on 21? Against the law, but we weren’t the 2 people there.
Legally, that doesn’t matter. He committed a crime with a minor, PERIOD!
My question is why did she wait so long to come forward with it?
She is 46 now. So she has known that she was taken advantage of for a long time now! Probably has a stalled career and is looking for another 15 minutes of fame.
You have no credibility in this matter, as you were clearly attempting to further your chosen employment opportunity by using sex to seal the deal.
YES!! Get Billy Clinton, Hillary C and Prince Andrew and do NOT exclude Princes, Mayors, Governors, Prime Ministers and Celebs around the WORLD!!!
She sure was “easy” back then….Now she is in a power position, things have changed. Much like Horizontal Harris.