‘Fixer Upper’s’ Chip and Joanna Gaines Are Sick Of Being Labeled As Racist

Wikimedia Commons, By Thomas Wolf

Joanna Gaines can’t sleep at night because liberals have accused her and her husband Chip of being racists. 

“Sometimes I’m like, ‘Can I just make a statement?’ The accusations that get thrown at you, like you’re a racist or you don’t like people in the LGBTQ community, that’s the stuff that really eats my lunch—because it’s so far from who we really are,” she remarked. “That’s the stuff that keeps me up.”

The “Fixer Upper” stars walked away from their smash hit HGTV show at the height of its popularity in 2017, to launch the Magnolia Network on Discovery+. Despite their Americana charm, the couple has been embroiled in controversy on their meteoric rise to fame.  

They were accused of bigotry when they interviewed a local pastor who denounced LGBTQ rights in 2016, and critics pointed out that no same-sex couples had appeared on the show.  

More recently, they drew liberal scorn for supporting Chip’s sister’s campaign for the Fort Worth school board with a $1,000 donation, prior to when she announced her anti-critical race theory running platform.  

When their network launches, they plan to feature people of color and gay talent on their roster of shows. “As an American white male, it’s hard to be perfectly diverse,” Chip said. “In our own company, we’ve got nearly 700 employees, and one of our biggest passions is making this group represent all people.”

Joanna herself is half-Asian, which liberal haters seem to forget. “Growing up as half-Asian, half-Caucasian, I get what that feels like to not be accepted and to not be loved. That’s the last thing I want anyone to ever feel,” she remarked. 

“It’s like you’re always going to make a lot of people mad, and you’re always going to make a lot of people happy,” she continued. “I don’t think as humans we’re meant to carry that kind of weight.”

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3 years ago

It’s getting tiresome where you have to live your life to please others. Enough is enough. If they don’t like what they watching they can change the channel. It’s pathetic that peoples
Sexual preference or race should be considered when hiring rather than their qualifications.

3 years ago

If the Mainstream media can broadcast their Opinions all over the World with Impunity, why aren’t individual Citizens allowed to have Opinions or Ideas of their Own? Pretender Biden hasn’t issued an Executive Order against Free Thinking or IndividualOpinions…YET!

3 years ago

Who are the people calling these two fine people racists? They had more black couples and singles and same sex married couples on their show than any other DIY show. Guess they just hate successful people. Grow up.

3 years ago

Thinned skinned bigots are the ones who are causing all of this bullshit just because they can not have things their own way all the time. These bigots have no respect or responsibility toward others, only think of themselves and their self centered importance when they are actually NOTHING OF IMPORTANCE to anyone but themselves. Time to STOP all of this POLITICAL CORRECTNESS and SPEAK the truth. Good or Bad the truth, NOT the BULLS**T from the self centered CRYBABIES who always want things their own way and given to them.

Marsha Kay Farmer
Marsha Kay Farmer
3 years ago
Reply to  J W

Awesomely stated!! 👏🏻👏🏻

Linda Riva
Linda Riva
3 years ago
Reply to  J W

Amen!!! Crybabies!
Done w/ it! Get a freakin’ pair!

Car on the road
Car on the road
3 years ago
Reply to  J W

These thin skinned bigots show no class, grace or maturity because they have none, and they are in the minority – the only power they have is with a keyboard – ignore them!

3 years ago
Reply to  J W

Yeaaaa! Sounds like another round of participation awards are in order! (Sarc notice, for all those Karen’s out there) 😏

3 years ago

It is quite an irony that the most blatantly racist people are the ones who go around falsely accusing others of being racist.

Theresa Serrano
Theresa Serrano
3 years ago

Joanna and her husband chip are super cool. I remember when Gay meant happy and the rainbow belongs to God. I am American Indian. I ‘ ‘ve all the slang language.savage, etc.This country is ours.We are here first.The white man stole our land.Put us on the reservation and broke every single agreement. Now we are finally get ting

3 years ago

i’ve got no problem with gays, love who you want, but the evil and despicable alphabet people who go out of their way not to stop, but crush peoples lives who think differently…go gaines!!!

Mark Brickey
Mark Brickey
3 years ago

Chip & Joanna, I know this will never get to you, but I was just realizing today that 100% of these people that want us all to be “woke” are nothing but troublemakers & riff-raff. Any of the “intellectuals” couldn’t hold a reasonable argument with the likes of C S Lewis or Tolkin, or probably even the likes of Glenn McDonald. They have no depth to their thoughts or reasoning behind them, they have no idea what Truth is or means. They twist language to fit whatever their issue dejour is, they then twist our words to whatever they want, no matter the context or societal norms are/were when spoken.
When cornered, they curl up like a pill bug & bawl about being “mean”, “racist” anti – flavor of the month, yet what ever spills from their mouths is vile, hateful and definitely not kumbaya towards any that disagree with them at all.
Please, STAND on your own 2 feet (well, 4 feet!). Your company is yours, you hire the best workers you can – blind to color or what have you – just as we’ve been striving for for decades. Fall back on the speeches of MLK, DeBois, Douglass, hold up your America proud and fulfill your American & God-given rights & privileges.

Robin Walter Boyd
Robin Walter Boyd
3 years ago

Progressives are the most hateful, least tolerant types of people aside from flat out dictators. If we don’t agree 100% with what any particular Progressive wants us to believe in, and Progressives are not even in agreement with one another, we are branded bigots, racists, homophobes and any other nasty, disagreeable type of person they can come up with. It does no good to attempt to appease Progressives because nothing we do will be good enough for them. The best thing to do is to ignore such fascist minded elitists and work together in our disagreements while tolerating one another’s beliefs.

Original Anna
Original Anna
3 years ago

I personally have reached the point where I can’t stand these commies and their bigoted, lying mouths. If they don’t our Christian and apple pie couture get out of this country. As far as LGBT goes they have too much power for a lousy barely 4.% of the population and their hate is always directed at people just going along and doing their thing without bothering anybody else. They hate us normals doing this and they want to shove themselves into our happy lives and force us to change for them. They are very unhappy people and prove it every time you are acting normally and not agreeing with them or living our lives without them being in our lives. Personally I have started turning the channel whenever LGBT shows up and they call their pride month pride when pride is a sin, you are not supposed to be prideful and they prove they are committing a sin by even referring to LGBT as pride month. Gees, get your own lives and leave the rest of us alone. I like Gaines, they give the impression of happy people and put on the show those people who are doing what the show is about and the show isn’t about LGBT agenda even if that is what LGBT bigots want it to be.

Janice E. Prescott
Janice E. Prescott
3 years ago

I don’t believe these people have a racist bone in their bodies. Racist has become a word used so often it has no meaning any more. I love Chip and Joanns show and will continue to watch it. You people think you have found the one word that will turn people off. WRONG. Prove it or STFU.

1 year ago

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