‘Barstool Sports’ Founder Dave Portnoy Refuses To ‘Bend The Knee’ Over Kaepernick Remarks

Wikimedia Commons, By Grudengrinder

‘Barstool Sports’ founder Dave Portnoy shot back against woke critics attacking him for making critical remarks against former NFL player and anthem kneeler Colin Kaepernick.

As The Daily Wire reports:

Barstool Sports CEO Dave Portnoy said he will not “bend the knee” nor apologize in a video posted Monday in reaction to “cancel culture” pressures over resurfaced years-old remarks the businessman made about famed anthem kneeler Colin Kaepernick.

The remarks, which can be viewed below, were quote-tweeted on Sunday by former SportsCenter anchor and left-wing activist Jemele Hill, who ironically was subsequently called out over a past “transphobic” comment.

In the four-year-old clip, Portnoy jokes that he first thought Kaepernick was Arab and an “ISIS guy” when the then-NFL quarterback started his national anthem protest.

Responding to the backlash, Portnoy asserted in a video “press conference” post that he will not “bend the knee,” nor will he apologize for the comedic years-old remarks, which he said was “literally a joke from ‘The Office.’”

It now appears that even criticizing a figure like Colin Kaepernick is now grounds for excommunication by the woke mob.

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4 years ago

I’ll stand with u everyday.

4 years ago

Tell the woke mob to put the apology they are expecting to put it where the sun don’t shine – for all of you Americans traitors that believe kneeling during the National anthem is okay and probably not astute enough to understand – put it in your dariar – probably don’t know what that is either

Charles Michalek
Charles Michalek
4 years ago
Reply to  Hydro

You’re probably correct . I don’t blame the man either . Damn if I will ever agree too kneeling during the National Amthem . Screw the woke mob and Colon Kraperdick .

4 years ago

Kaeperdick is still a disgrace and always will be!!!

4 years ago

Dont be too hard on the Kapersnickerdoodle. You cant blame him for being upset all the time. After all, his parents named him after a body part that is full of sh*t.

Gerald S Ladd
Gerald S Ladd
4 years ago

Who wants to bow to the walking toilet brush?

Charles Michalek
Charles Michalek
4 years ago
Reply to  Gerald S Ladd

lol. Toilet brush , brillo pad . Be good for removing rust .

4 years ago

The Kap is still a piece of s*^t in my book and is a BIG cry baby to boot !!!!

4 years ago

KrapperDik blows.

4 years ago

Sports hero? Dave Portnoy? Give me a damned break.

4 years ago

Speak your mind. This is America and many good and brave service members died so you could.

Rudolph Gutierrez
Rudolph Gutierrez
4 years ago

I think it’s a joke that someone like Collin kompernickers is being accepted as a hero. Now all black people are talking about changing the history of this country. Because it’s bad reflection on how it makes them feel. When will you people get it ;what they are doing is racist. Black lives matter is a racist movement aimed at making white people feel guilty so they can get something for nothing.

4 years ago

If kaperdick was any good, he would be playing. Right now he is a legend in his own mind.

4 years ago

Colon Krappydick is not Africa American. Look at his hooked nose as a dead give away to his Arab roots. He looks anything but black, and when he started to protest is when he started teasing his hair into a fake little Afro. The timing of his new hairdo was comical.

4 years ago

Good for you. We need more like you. The truth be known there is a vast majority of Americans who agree with you. The rotten people are always the most vocal. That is because they know what they are saying is wrong but the louder they are the more they convince themselves of a lie. The good people don’t have to be so loud because they know what they believe is the truth. Thee evil doers will get theirs that is the way it always is. The nfl should have been more careful and really looked at the numbers of who believes what. What they are doing now will come back to bite them. Hard enough that it will be very hard for them to recover from it.

4 years ago

K did not walk out in “sacrifice”, his “day” ended rather sooner as he seemed at the end of his career. And just leave it to super jocks who are grown men playing a ball game for millions of dollars to decide that if they showed disrespect for the American flag that that was some Big Brave Thing to do! Cripes – they know nothing of the sacrifices made by human beings so that they can play their game without ever actually serving their country. I actually loved Pro football, but this pretty much cooks it – every time I would tune in I would be trying to see who was Being the Big Brave Men this Sunday and then trying to identify them as they play. I watch for enjoyment, I watch political stuff, lately, if I can stand to be depressed for awhile. I don’t watch foot ball GAMES to see guys knee to appease their consciences for not actually having cleaned up the projects through the years that the NFL has been dominated by Black pros with the big bucks. How many of them have actually tried to get those young people out of the projects where the democratic policies put in place trapped them for generation after generation!!

John J
John J
4 years ago

Kneel before GOD, noone or nothing else

4 years ago

i’m so jealous of dave right now because he’s a great mind reader.don’y know how he can read my mind and repeat it verbadim!great to hear a real patriot tell it like it is! good job!

Nancy Anderson
Nancy Anderson
4 years ago

MORE people need to stand up and said ENOUGH.!!!!! This kneeling, bowing, scraping, changing history, is all a load of dung. Crapperneck is NO hero. He is just some idiot trying to make a name for himself, because he isn’t that great of a player. This whole blm is a total crock. I’m from a family of immigrants too. Most Americans are unless they are Native Americans. My people all came from around Germany, and they were farmers and engineers. My grandfather was an engineer on the old steam engine trains. NONE of my family had anything to do with slaves, and always worked side by side with ALL peoples. I won’t bow to these protesters. They are the ones in the wrong.

4 years ago

God speed my friend give them hell.

4 years ago

Somebody mentioned, that when they kneel or stay in the locker room, being disrespectful to our Flag, dishonoring our soldiers, everybody should kneel and pray out loud to show respect to our “FLAG”. Like to hear their responds. “Racist fans”. But than the diehards only care about the watching football, same with the MLB and NBA or College. My opinion.

Medd H Dauman
Medd H Dauman
4 years ago

I was devastated when Bret Favre compared him to Pat Tillman. Kapperneck should not even be mentioned with the same breath. My father gave his life so a–holes like colon could kneel. He can take is afro and shove in a toilet along with his head and not bother coming up for air.

3 years ago

Right. Kaepernik is an all-American hero who caused a huge racial divide while losing the NFL half of its viewers and making a fortune off of shoes made by Chinese slave labor. How noble.