Rapper ‘Lord Jamar’ Blasts ‘Black Lives Matter,’ Claims It Was ‘Given To Us By George Soros’

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Rapper ‘Lord Jamar’ is now calling out ‘Black Lives Matter’ claiming that it was created by far-left billionaire George Soros and thus wasn’t an actually organic movement.

As The Daily Wire reports:

“I’m not a Black Lives Matter supporter,” Jamar said in an interview on SCUM.

“You’re not?” the interviewer asked in surprise.

“No, absolutely not,” responded Jamar. “Because it’s not our movement. This is a movement that was given to us by, you know, George Soros and his f***ing boys. Because they saw how things were going and they didn’t want to go back to the 60s to where we started having our own organic movements. That was a big f***ing problem for them. So let’s give the people a movement that we can control. We’ll provide them the leaders and all this type of s**t. That’s what black lives matter is.”

Lord Jamar then directed people to look at the leaders of Black Lives Matter and their allegiance with the LGBTQ movement to illustrate his point. “Look at the leaders of Black Lives Matter,” he said. “These lesbian women who are trying to incorporate, you know, LG whatever the f*** the letters are, incorporate their concerns into black people’s concerns. Go to the website. Look it up.”

Are many Americans finally waking up to the radical roots and intentions of ‘Black Lives Matter.’?

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4 years ago

I hope he has protection because he just put a huge target on his back.

Charles Michalek
Charles Michalek
4 years ago
Reply to  Brian

The man is absolutely correct its Soros pushing all this bs . He’s trying too destroy the country. He’s a wanted man in his own country we need to send him there.

4 years ago
Reply to  Brian

He is a one of those that has lots of money, hey George Soros, if you want America to fall, you need to go to another nation. You know there won’t have you. You need to go on and meet your master, the DEVIL. You are all dried up as a, suppose to be a human being. you are not. You and the Democrats need to go away. Nancy and her folks are for China. Go on and get out. Love Trump, the best President we have had in DECADES.

4 years ago

Then it is OUR JOB to help him Remain PROTECTED!!! ANYONE that speaks Truth and there is only one Truth, Must be Protected!!

4 years ago


Gregory Holliday
Gregory Holliday
4 years ago

BLM Burn Loot Murder

Louie Rey
Louie Rey
4 years ago

I’m sorry I didn’t think of that. Good one and also a true one.

4 years ago

Billionaires Laundering Money

William Finch
William Finch
4 years ago

None of the 4 comments thus far said anything about the Scum Bag George Soros. He is the real Devil behind all that is going on and should be arrested, tried, convicted and put in solitary confinement for a minimum of 50 years with no chance of parole.

4 years ago
Reply to  William Finch

I would prefer the old chaining one ankle to the rear bumper of an old F150, and then taking it out for some off-road fun.

4 years ago
Reply to  William Finch

Anybody that hasn’t figured out that George Soros and his Hollywood Scumbag followers were funding this is behind the times. Doesn’t that POS fund everything that is disgusting and evil???

Robert Kahlcke
Robert Kahlcke
4 years ago

The problem should just be taken care of, he looks like he already has one foot in the grave.

4 years ago

So when is Trump going to declare BLM a terrorist organization (anti American) and also antifa…both these groups will destroy America….just like Obama, while he laughs every month drawing his retirement and getting secret service protection, even though he is a multimillionaire!!!
I’ve written trump and ask for a discontinuance of all exPres from getting SS protection since they are ALL muti millionaires and can afford their own. Writre Trump!!
This law for ex Presidents was not intended for people leaving the WH VERY wealthy..

4 years ago

The Penn State researchers found all people are roughly 99.5% genetically identical with a minuscule biological difference between humans. In fact just one letter of DNA code out of the 3.1 billion letters in the human genome form the complete instructions for making a human being.
So I see only an insignificant difference between the tallest Albino and shortest Pygmy and somehow BLM is offended by what?
This is a heart issue and that of the most satanic evil forces that is causing this rampart destruction of everything that is considered good and Godly and executed by those who are not practicing Biblical believers.
Prime Source …”How a Genetic Mutation Led to the White ‘Race’.” ThoughtCo, Jun. 29, 2020,

Ben Matthews
Ben Matthews
4 years ago

Fake news man…liberals are too dumb to be stunned…or haven’t you noticed?

4 years ago

soros needs to be gone, hopefully in the grave soon, he certainly looks like it….He and his puppet and power hungry stooge pelosi are pure EVIL……..their other puppets like aoc and the idiots of blm are just too Stupid to see how they are being used….TUPID is as STUPID does.

3 years ago

Of course, it was Soros. And ‘open borders is his, too. BLM is built on lies and only its founders and Soros are making big money on it. In the last 3 years, less than 20 unarmed black Americans were killed by the police each year. That’s out of 45 million black people and a couple of million cops. Absolutely moronic to believe this is ‘systemic racism’. If it were, thousands would be killed every year. More than 300 have been killed in BLM riots vs less than 20/year by police. Compare 20 deaths by police to the number of black babies aborted each year. 75% of abortions are black babies. That’s the true genocide.
BLM is selling a phony narrative to fill their pockets. This is taking advantage of poorly educated and gullible people while increasing racial divide. Soros and leftists have no problem using the black community to gain control.
Look up the ’60 Minutes’ interview of Soros from years ago. He actually chuckles about his experiences with the Nazis rounding up Jews and stealing their property. It was the best time of his life! Did he see Jews being loaded into railroad cars? Did it bother him? Did he or could he have done anything? Yes, no, and no. The true evil of this monster is exposed. Soros has tried to keep this interview hidden for years. Sorry, ugly. We have it.
BTW, who got married in the garden of a Soros family member? Why, Miss Chelsea Clinton. Color me surprised.


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