CBS Show Mocks Sarah Sanders Appearance

The CBS show “Big Bang Theory” has apparently found it necessary to mock the appearance of President Trump’s Press Secretary Sarah Sanders.

According to Fox News:

CBS sitcom “The Big Bang Theory” snuck another anti-Trump message into the popular show’s credits on Thursday night, taking aim at press secretary Sarah Sanders’appearance and Christian faith.

“God told me he hasn’t spoken to Sarah Sanders since she was fourteen years old and praying for her skin to clear up. I have no reason to doubt Him,” an on-screen message during the show’s closing credits said.

Media Research Center contributor Rebecca Downs, who noticed and captured the message, pondered if a Democrat would be treated this way.

“It’s also been established that it’s sexist and wrong to go after women for their looks,” Downs wrote. “Is it only liberal women that this applies to?”

The creator of the show Chuck Lorre has been a frequent critic of the president, his administration, and his supporters.

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