‘Charmed’ Actress Alyssa Milano Claims Masks More Effective Than AR-15’s for Self Defense

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The notoriously left-wing Actress Alyssa Milano scraped a new low of stupidity over the holidays when she made the bizarre claim that facemask are better protection than ‘AR-15’s.”

Milano has a long history of being both anti-Trump and anti-Gun and is no stranger to making herself look foolish when discussing both of them.

As The Daily Wire reports:

Actress and progressive activist Alyssa Milano tried to convince “anti-maskers” on Twitter Monday to adopt the practice of wearing face coverings to protect them from the novel coronavirus, assuring them that a mask will protect them “more than an AR-15” ever will.

Milano, who is virulently pro-gun control, pledged earlier this month to extend an “olive branch” to President Donald Trump’s supporters, even though she has occasionally referred to them as racists and once compared the president’s fans to Nazis.

“Anti-maskers are the same people who think they need an AR-15 for ‘protection,’” Milano tweeted, apparently linking masks and support for gun rights — a link that does not seem to be backed by official research.

Concerned that she was not reaching the right audience, Milano continued, “LOUDER FOR THE PEOPLE IN THE BACK: A MASK WILL PROTECT YOU *MORE* THAN AN AR-15 WILL.”

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3 years ago

Why is this dipshit given so much publicity?

Walter Deveau
Walter Deveau
3 years ago

That idiot is so far Left (& stupid) she’s in the middle of the pacific. Why hasn’t she drowned?

3 years ago
Reply to  Walter Deveau

Too much hot air keeps it afloat!!

Keith Clark
Keith Clark
3 years ago

Too stupid for words.

3 years ago

Ha! She keeps talking “apples and Oranges” over things that cannot be compared that way. Let her throw her mask at a armed home intruder or “shoot” the virus. Neither will result in anyone being safer.

one disgusted teacher
one disgusted teacher
3 years ago

Awww come on – she can’t REALLY be THIS STUPID – can she??? She’s just looking to get publicity!!! Not good publicity – but publicity!!!

Bernie 99
Bernie 99
3 years ago

How much help is that mask going to be when she is being mugged or raped?
P.S. An AR-15 will keep them more than 6 feet away.

3 years ago

What a total worthless dumb idiot!

3 years ago

Alyssa, you can’t hunt with only a face mask. For those who live in rural ranch land they need accurate long distance weapons against predator animals. For suburban dwellers, some have physical handicaps that preclude holding a handgun but resting a rifle on a steady surface is beneficial. And lastly, an AR-15 is simply just another handgun shaped like a rifle. It is a SEMI-automatic not a full automatic. And very, very few shooting incidents involve an AR-15.

3 years ago

She is a complete idiot and the face of the Dumbocrat party.

3 years ago

Ok Next time a burglar breaks into your house make sure you have your mask on for protection..

3 years ago
Reply to  Jim

It appears a lot of people are thinking the way I think. I’m just baffled that she didn’t just hang a face mask outside her house, instead of calling the police a few weeks ago when she thought there was an intruder in her yard. Can anyone believe she didn’t just flash the mask instead. Such disappointment for all we non-believers in first class protection with the mask……..

3 years ago

Stupid is as Stupid does!

3 years ago

Just another stupid Hollywood sicko.

Charles Wright
Charles Wright
3 years ago

You just can’t fix stupid.

Janice E. Prescott
Janice E. Prescott
3 years ago
Reply to  Charles Wright

You can’t fix stupid, but you can sedate it. Find a nurse quick.

Tom Brown
Tom Brown
3 years ago

As a former president once said, “Better to keep your mouth shut and thought a fool than open your mouth and remove all doubt.”

3 years ago

Shut up fool, no one is listen to you hollywood has beens

Nine Island Girl
Nine Island Girl
3 years ago
Reply to  Carol

Not just the has/beans. ALL OF THEM!

Gene Ralno
Gene Ralno
3 years ago

Milano seems unable to read and understand the FBI Uniform Crime Reporting data tables. Perhaps if she had finished high school or associated others with experience beyond reading entertainment lines, she might show a glimmer of intelligence. On the other hand perhaps her span of attention turns off after 55 seconds.

Nine Island Girl
Nine Island Girl
3 years ago

I have a dream that one day, NO ONE WILL WATCH THESE IDIOT’S MOVIES/SHOWS.
It’s the only way they’re going to go down.
NONE of these IDIOTS have BRAINS.

c b
c b
3 years ago

When you LIE for a living, hard to know when your not lying. Even if it’s just to one’s self thinking other people give a shit what you lying about in the first place.
Never plan on supporting anything Hollywood ever again.

3 years ago

Ya just can’t fix STUPID!!!!
I guess that those masks will protect you from a knife stabbing gun toting maniac?!?!
Go for it STUPID!!!!

3 years ago

Pathetic when a person who is no longer a valid “celebrity” uses politics to keep their name alive – at any “cost” . . .
A LOSER for sure!!!

Larry Larson
Larry Larson
3 years ago

On the other hand, alyssahole, education is more effective than liberal indoctrination. We just wonder if you’re really this stupid or are you just trying to get hired in hollyweird.

3 years ago

She’s nothing….
She only makes these absurd comments so that the leftist media will eat it up and, in doing so, give her the publicity she obviously craves.
Otherwise, she’s nothing.
(Ever notice the only way she gets herself out there is by saying dumb azz things.)

Larry Larson
Larry Larson
3 years ago

Well, I would suggest next time someone breaks into her house, instead of calling the police that she wants to defund, throw a mask at them.

Pissed Off American
Pissed Off American
3 years ago

If your getting you butt kicked, be sure the lean in with your face and mask to protect yourself. At that point you may wish you had something better than a strip of fabric to help you survive. Good Luck!

Janice E. Prescott
Janice E. Prescott
3 years ago

I don’t think there is a Funny Farm large enough to house all these CRAZY liberal Democraps. They open their mouths and ignorance just flows. I wonder, does she really think she made any sense????? I just want her to STFU. Stop giving her any publicity, and HOPEFULLY she will go away.

3 years ago

OH PLEASE!!!Alyssa defend yourself with a hanky and let the rest of us have our guns, Or better, just go away quietly.

3 years ago

Do you think before you open your mouth or should I say your fingers on your phone or computer? Why what you think people what years an AR-15 to protect them from a virus? The reason for guns is to protect our property, our family, ourselves against Intruders into a home, trying to carjack a car or trying to kidnap our children. Personally I’m not really concerned about the virus because I don’t go out in the public. I do all my shopping from my phone on my computer and have it delivered. You know what you need to be concerned about it’s not a gun or a mask, but but if your soul is saved or not because the Rapture happens this year and the antichrist will come and start the 7 year tribulation this year. All of this is according to the Bible everything that was prophesied in the Old Testament it’s already come through now what was prophesied in the New Testament especially concerning revelation are in the process of coming true timid the world as we know it is changing and all non-believers, the Antichrist, the false prophet and demons are going to be tossed into the Lake of Fire. Satan will be tossed into the bottomless pit for 1000 years wow Christ establishes his kingdom here on Earth during the Millennium season. don’t hesitate get your life straight with Jesus we’re not promised tomorrow the rapture is imminent and can happen at any time. God bless Israel I wish we could save America was a beautiful country until God was removed from everything a nonsense was being taught to our children.

rick reeve
3 years ago

another one looses all my respect

Purple heart
Purple heart
3 years ago

Pity the poor a hole who has to service this big mouth hoe.


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