Hispanic Teen Recounts Being Nearly Beaten to Death in Racist Attack by Anti-Trump Actress Meryl Streep’s Nephew

Wikimedia Commons, By US Government/Pete Souza - http://www.whitehouse.gov/blog/2014/11/24/case-you-missed-it-presidential-medal-freedom-ceremony, Public Domain, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=37189495

A hispanic teen who was beaten to a bloody pulp by the anti-Trump actress Meryl Streep’s 31 year old nephew in an allegedly racially motivated attack has now decided to speak out about the harrowing ordeal.

The incident occurred on August 24, when the teen David Peralta and Charles Harrison Streep were almost involved in a collision when Streep reportedly recklessly blew a stop sign and then made a u-turn to come and confront Peralta. Streep then began to grow irate, shouting derogatory remarks about Peralta’s ‘Spanish’ origin before viciously attacking him.

Peralta’s claims that he doesn’t remember much after the initial confrontation because he was quickly knocked unconscious by Streep. According to Peralta’s girlfriend, who was in the car with him at the time and witnessed the entire incident, Streep’s sudden attack was unprovoked and brutal. As The Daily Mail reports:

Christina recalled Streep pushing Peralta and Peralta pushing back and bringing Streep to the ground in a brief scuffle.

According to Christina, David ‘never threw a punch and just let go,’ at which point Streep seized the moment to lock David in a choke hold.

Streep, she said, had David in a choke hold and was, ‘just dangling him.’

She said, ‘David wasn’t touching the ground and it was a good five seconds that he had him like that. I was telling him to please stop.

Streep was arrested, 3 days later, for the brutal assault and has now been released on 5,000 dollars bond. According to police Streep is now facing charges of 2nd degree Assault and 2nd degree Strangulation.

Meryl Streep, the aunt of the alleged attacker, has been an outspoken critic of President Trump, famously bashing him on live TV during her golden globe acceptance speech in 2017:

Streep has also been a longtime ally of former Democrat President Barack Obama and his wife Michelle, having received the medal of freed from them in a 2014 ceremony at the White House:

While outspoken about her hatred of the President for his supposed “racism”, Streep hasn’t seemed very eager to speak out about the brutally racist attack her own family member allegedly carried out against a hispanic teenager.

With disgusting displays of hypocrisy like this one coming from Democrats and their Hollywood allies is it any real wonder that President Trump is continuing to over perform among Latino voters?

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Bernie 99
Bernie 99
3 years ago

She is not a hypocrite. Sha is a liberal. They are allowed to do what ever they want to who ever they want. They are not like the rest of us. They are better. Just ask them.

3 years ago
Reply to  Bernie 99

Hypocrite, liberal. One and the same.

Buck Fiden
Buck Fiden
3 years ago
Reply to  Bernie 99

Wrong! They are all lying liberal hypocrites that should all rot in hell.

3 years ago

Another democrat racist family of hate.

3 years ago

I have never liked her in any of her movies except maybe one. I have always saw her as an ego run actor floating around in the gas of hollyweirds elite thinking she is more than just another hollyweird freak show that thinks she is better than anyone else. She poops just like everyone else and is a demon of obama’s minions. Rich trash just like her handlers.

3 years ago

The family needs to charge Streep with attempted murder.

Just me
Just me
3 years ago
Reply to  Yvette

Liberal Hate. They will just let it go. I pray for the young man and hope he gets justice for the beating he had to take for being a human being. Steep you need the book thrown at you. Liberal Aunt let him pay for his crime

3 years ago
Reply to  Yvette

Yes the family should sue the hell out of the Streep family. He deserves to get millions for his abuse from that dim-wit that thinks he is someone special instead of someone stupid and ignorant.

Buck Fiden
Buck Fiden
3 years ago
Reply to  Yvette

Whether this victim was brown, black or white is meaningless. He was brutally assaulted and this is attempted homicide. This trash kid of Streep should be prosecuted.

Korean vet
3 years ago

Meryl is a sick c #$&… along with her nephew . He belongs in jail.$5000 bail ? It shold

3 years ago

1) The Lord sends delusion to those in rebellion against him; and 2) Our nation is in rebellion against him (Isaiah 66:3-4 and 2 Thessalonians 2:11-12).
What a truth for our times.

3 years ago

Who is this Streep broad?

3 years ago
Reply to  Tom

She’s a very homely has-been actress. I’ve always thought her acting ‘skills’ were too phony to believe in the part she played. Actually haven’t heard her name in years – didn’t miss her.

Gene Ralno
Gene Ralno
3 years ago

Just to clarify the American Update (AU) record, “Hispanic” is an American — not English — word, derived from the Spanish word “hispanohablantes,” which means “Spanish speaker.”
We must guess that the intended word was “Latino” which also is an American — not English — word, shortened from “Latino-Americano” or “Latin American.” It carries a powerful 75-year-old connotation of citizenship.
Conservative sites like AU often adopt leftist terms and definitions without question and consequently feed the democrat propaganda mill. Democrat click bait media prefer to commingle these terms in order to camouflage illegal aliens.
My point is Latin Americans are just as American as German Americans, Anglo Americans or Chinese Americans. Most Americans now resent Mexicans because of their lawlessness and arrogance.
Mexicans count on support from Latinos because they share ancestry. But that motive is as thin as Anglo Americans supporting the UK in its disputes with the US. Or Chinese Americans supporting China in its disputes with the US. 

Jesus Salva
Jesus Salva
3 years ago
Reply to  Gene Ralno

Shut your stupid piehole We don’t don’t need rhetorical nonsense from someone that doesn’t WTF he’s talking about, You’re a fountain of useless information, Idiot

Last edited 3 years ago by Jesus Salva
3 years ago
Reply to  Gene Ralno

Hispanic is derived from Hispania = Spain. A word used on Spanish maps in the past.

3 years ago
Reply to  Francesca

NOT from some invented word such as hispanohablantes.

Patricia Rivera
Patricia Rivera
3 years ago

Does this make it a hate crime?

Jesus Salva
Jesus Salva
3 years ago

NO because Libtards don’t commit hate crimes. at least according to them

Buck Fiden
Buck Fiden
3 years ago

Not if you’re a rich assailant.

Angela Worden
Angela Worden
3 years ago

Demonic behavior and tweets. Have you no respect. This is treasonous behavior!!

3 years ago

While Meryl Streep is a clueless LibTard, she is NOT responsible for the actions of her NEPHEW….MY GOD…I have a 43 yr old Nephew whose is Schizophrenic and a Niece who is bi-polar/suicidal….I do not have any responsibility or blame for anything they do. Please….

3 years ago

That attack opens a very clear window into who Meryl Streep really is. The incident is an example of hate. Don’t forget that babies are not born with some sort of “hate” gene. Hate is something children learn at home.

3 years ago

The leftist Commie NAZI Democratic Party of Jim Crow and BLM ( all donations from BLM go to the Demoncrats Commie party) don’t want anything to do with the blacks or Hispanics! Just their votes! The blacks and Hispanics are being used as useful idiots by the white leftists Commie Demoncrat Nazi party. Once they regain power, you useful idiots will never see freedom again! Because your usefulness will no longer be required in the plantation of Jim Crow! The blacks and Hispanics will never wake up, after 50 years of the betrayal by the Democratic Party they still don’t know who their enemy’s are.They keep on voting for them year after year.

Buck Fiden
Buck Fiden
3 years ago
Reply to  Mrr

Right! Look around. You see very very few black faces in the BLM rioters. Mostly white, young women and men and boys and girls.

Pat Morgan
Pat Morgan
3 years ago

Money and talent are not synonymous with class. Meryl is a graduate from Vassar, has a masters from Yale and an honorary doctorate from Dartmouth. Her noted ancestry is steeped in history; She was blessed with privilege, but was deprived of the life teachings of respect, kindness, humility, and plain old common sense. She has no religion as she apparently thinks she is God. She is her Prada role: mean, cold, nasty, domineering, egotistical, entitleed and just a downright, full-fledged S N O T!
So Meryl has this 31 year-old nephew who has all of his aunt’s traits and some of his own: ill temper, hate, sadism and serious anger. HE breaks the law, ensues a needless confrontation with an innocent 18 year-old, proceeds to assault the young man, all the while verbally chastising him, and leaving him on the ground. The police finally located the bully, arrestd him, and then is is released on a meager 5K bail. Another case of afluenza!
Financially successful parents do not do their children any favors by sparing the rod and not lashing the tongue. Charles Harrison Streep is a jerk, a bully, a creep, and a criminal who will probably get off with a warning because his lawyer will pay off the judge. The victim may get a pittance to go away. What a shame. The proper upbringing with morals and discipline combined with his genetics could have made him a real contribution to society instead of a menace.

butch t
butch t
3 years ago
Reply to  Pat Morgan


3 years ago

Looks like DemRats world apples do not far from trees. Nutjob needs to be send to prison and never see sun raising again.

3 years ago

The apples don’t fall far from the tree when they are raised and brain-washed in their own families. A LIBERAL IS A LIBERAL AND NO WAY CAN YOU CHANGE THEIR MINDS TO THINK AND ACT RESPONSIBILY.

Steve S
Steve S
3 years ago

Doth any…ehemmm…ANY LIBTARD Own up to ANY WRONGFUL ACT OR DOINGS?? Seems it is always someone else or Quick to be bailed or just are not Held to being responsible for ones OWN ACTIONS!
siKKK minds!

butch t
butch t
3 years ago

I’m from wi. and the governor just picked Eric Holder to fix the way that the state is set up now. Of all the people to hire, Holder is the last person he should hire to do anything for us, they meaning Evers and Holder are both big jerks.

3 years ago

Sue baby sue!!!!!!
There’s money to be made here…. LOTS of money!!!!!
Don’t rely on the Criminal Justice system to do squat!!!!
Hire an attorney and go big, real big!!!!!!!!!!

1 year ago

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