NFL Legend Herschel Walker Slams Black Lives Matter: ‘I’m for American Lives Matter’

Wikimedia Commons, By Thomson200

NFL legend and Heisman trophy winner Herschel Walker slammed the radical Black Lives Matter movement on Monday, saying instead that he’s for ‘American lives matter.’

As The Washington Examiner reports:

“Why does a player need to decide who he is for?” Walker asked Fox News’s Laura Ingraham about professional athletes kneeling for the national anthem in support of Black Lives Matter during an appearance on her show Monday night “What BLM are you supporting? … The organization is not something that speaks for a lot of people.”

“I’m for ‘American Lives Matter’ because I’m an American.”

“I saw a bunch of people holding a BLM sign burning the Holy Bible, burning the flag of the United States of America, and also burning a cross,” he said in the post. “And I started thinking, NFL, NBA, WNBA, MLB — is this the people you’re supporting right now? Is it the movement? Is it the organization? Because I don’t think that’s right.”

“We cannot continue to sweep stuff underneath the rug because sooner or later we’re going to stumble. People, are we being fooled?” Walker continued.

Walker has been a consistent and vocal critic of the radical movement since violent riots began breaking out in cities across the country in May.

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Allan M.
Allan M.
3 years ago

Herschel Walker, brother in arms. A true American sports legend. As it should be.

3 years ago

Praise the Lord!

3 years ago

Good guy and looks like he could still play a few downs !

3 years ago

I wish every celebrity, sports figure, etc. would think like him and make statements like he does. He has backbone, and isn’t a puppet like the rest of them. Bravo for his patriotism and strength to stand up to those barbaric, hypocritical, evil, racist BLM rioters. If this BLM BS ever stops, I hope those who got involved in the riots will be deeply ashamed of their behavior, because they SHOULD be!

3 years ago

Thank you Herschel Walker. I agree.

3 years ago

Thank you Mister Walker.
Major, Squadron Commander, 42nd Bomb Wing, 2nd Air Force, Strategic Air Command (SAC), US Air Force, 1960-74 

Tony Winters
Tony Winters
3 years ago

I have started to compile a list of the companies that sponsor the NFL, NBA, WNBA, MLB and have already started to find other products. It might not make a whole lot of difference compared to the amount of money the NBA gets from the Chinese Communist Party but it will make me feel better knowing that I am not aiding the cause of the CCP to destroy this country.

3 years ago
Reply to  Tony Winters

Ditto!! We’re also doing everything possible to buy only U.S. made and giving up a few things hasn’t been a sacrifice at all. We can move mountains when we all do our small part. :o)

Ronald Lewis
Ronald Lewis
3 years ago

God bless you Mr. Walker for seeing and understanding the real problem. All lives matter and real justice is for all the people.Thomas Jefferson wrote, “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal.” When this is no longer relevant in this country, then we as a whole have failed and we will become just like the other 3rd world nations run by dictators. This may sound good to some but only because they live in a country to be as ignorant as they wish and not fear retribution unless there are crimes committed.

3 years ago
Reply to  Ronald Lewis

There’s no fear of consequences of their criminal actions anymore. And that’s not due to negligent LE, it’s the corrupt DC faux leaders that have waved them off to carry on. SMH!!

3 years ago

God bless you Herschel Walker. As you choked back your tears, many of us cry with you as well. If people can burn Bibles without a conscience they’ve no doubt been fooled, and only voices like yours can hopefully open some eyes that evil’s glued shut. I don’t know any true believer that wouldn’t see the clear motives with even hearing that suggestion, let alone seeing it acted upon. satan is working hard and without the guidance and return to God this country will not survive. Please keep speaking the truth. We’ll never get through to all of them but we can help some if we continue to witness for Jesus and God. When did thugs and criminals become heroes to so many?? Those like you are what true heroes are made of. God bless and protect you and yours always. Amen.

rick reeve
3 years ago

wow is he every right or what every living life matters


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