Trump SLAMS Megyn Kelly As ‘Nasty’ Following Heated Interview

Trump’s Critique of Megyn Kelly

  • Former President Donald Trump has criticized journalist Megyn Kelly for her aggressive line of questioning in a recent interview on Sirius XM. Trump accused Kelly of being “nasty” while speaking at a campaign rally in Iowa.

“Then I did a Megyn Kelly one and she just, you know – boy, she became nastier all of a sudden.” Adding, “She was pretty nasty, didn’t ya think? Anybody that watched it?”

  • The tension between the two is not new. In a 2015 GOP debate, Kelly had confronted Trump about previous derogatory comments he had made about women, leading to an infamous exchange when Trump said “Only Rosie O’Donnell”

Subpoena Compliance Discussion

  • During the contentious interview, Kelly questioned Trump’s handling of classified documents in the context of a grand jury subpoena. She insisted that compliance with legal orders is not optional, an assertion rooted in her decade-long experience in law.
  • Trump faces criminal charges in Florida relating to withholding classified information. He asserted that his actions are protected under the Presidential Records Act.

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